From: Date: 14 Dec 2001 19:33:37 -0000 Subject: The Week Before Christmas (1/3), NC-17 by Rafferty Source: direct Reply To: TITLE: The Week Before Christmas (1/3) AUTHOR: Rafferty FEEDBACK: RATING: NC-17 for strong sexual content and explicit words CATEGORY: MSR SPOILERS: Miniscule references to FTF, Field Trip, Arcadia and Millennium KEYWORDS: Mulder/Scully Romance, First Time, Christmas ARCHIVE: Please email me so I'll know where it's going DISCLAIMER: These characters belong to the collective geniuses of Chris Carter, 1013, FOX, David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson. No money is being made. Various generic federal employees mentioned, including Grant Harding, belong to me. SUMMARY: It's the week before Christmas, and Mulder and Scully are realizing that they must have been very, very good this year. TIMELINE: Everything after Millennium never happened. This story takes place during the week prior to any Christmas after Millennium. NOTES: I would like to extend a huge thank you to readers who gave my first story a try. My initiation into the world of a fanfic author was exciting and wonderful, and my deepest gratitude goes out to those who sent such encouraging feedback. And now for a humongous Thank You to my beta on this story, fanfic diva Tess, who very generously volunteered to give it a sneak-peak. Without her, this story would have had a lot of rough edges and run-on sentences a mile long. She is such a genuinely nice person and I am grateful to have had her assistance on this one. FEEDBACK: I am still in the writing learning curve, so any and all comments are helpful. I'm amazed how every single piece of feedback I got from my first story set my poor heart to fluttering. Even the ones which pointed out all the boo-boo's. So please, let me know what you think. You have the power - so use it. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The Week Before Christmas (1/3) By Rafferty *'Twas the week before Christmas, and all through Scully's home Holiday dreams were stirring, so she called me on the phone . . .* December 18th "Mulder, it's me." "Hey, Scully. What's up?" "I was just calling to see if you have plans for today. I want to get a tree and decorate it, and I could really use some help." "I thought you had decided not to get a tree this year," he reminded her. "Yeah, well, a woman has the right, and sometimes the duty, to change her mind," she informed him. That she does. *Let's see, I get to spend quality time alone with my better half, showing her my manliness by hefting a tree around, and just generally basking in the glow of her holiday spirit. All this in lieu of spending the day solo, surfing the net, doing laundry, and watching endless hours of television. Is this a trick question, Scully?* She interrupted his brief daydream. "So are we doing this or not?" God, she was *so* asking for it. His voice dropped an octave. "Less doo et, baby," he verbally leered. He pictured her in his mind as he heard her small chuckle. "Great. Can you be here by one?" "With bells on," he replied. He could hear the smile in her voice when she said, "I don't think bells will be necessary, Mulder. I'm just going to take advantage of your height and your brawn." Could he possibly adore this woman more? "Then I'm at your service. See you at one." When they disconnected he checked his watch. Two hours until he had to leave. Enough time for two more loads of laundry and a shower somewhere in there. After all, a fellow had to smell halfway decent if he was going to spend the day attempting to steal a girl's heart. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *Her stockings were hung on the shower rod to dry, There were nude ones, black ones, even some only thigh high (sigh)...* He showed up on time. Scully picked a full and beautiful Douglas Pine, sparing only a brief pitying glance for the scruffy, bedraggled little tree Mulder had become attached to as soon as they had entered the tree lot. He supposed it was his destiny to always root for the underdog, since he so often felt like one himself. They tied it onto Mulder's government issued car, each agreeing in a silent pact that they had *no idea* how all those scratches got onto the roof. Now, they were at Scully's apartment, she fussing with the branches of the tree which they had set up in the corner by her fireplace, him staring around her living room in wonder at the Christmas paraphernalia which had emerged from the *seven* boxes she had retrieved from her storage closet. *Seven*. One box was filled entirely with strands of twinkle lights. Another contained several stockings with no names, decorated candleholders, and what he guessed would be called knick-knacks in the shapes of Santa, reindeer, and snowmen. One box had fitted compartments, each containing a separate precious ornament, of which Scully seemed to have an endless supply. There were garlands and wreaths and spools of colored beads and fingertip towels and a tree skirt and a nativity scene... he was on holiday overload. He glanced Scully's way, watching as she made her way to one of the boxes. She was humming along with the holiday music playing softly on her stereo. Her cheeks glowed with healthy color and she wore a contented smile on her face. Suddenly his heart flooded with longing for all of this to be his. This home, this tree, and most of all, this woman. This honest, intelligent, impossibly beautiful woman, standing five feet from him untangling a strand of lights, oblivious to the currents of need emanating in waves from his every pore. He ran a hand over his face in an attempt to snap out of his musings, and it was then that he noticed he had some kind of tree grime on his hands. "I'll be back," he sent her way. "'Kay," she responded without even looking up from her task. He made his way to her bathroom. This room was secretly one of his favorite places to visit in Scully's home, mainly because it was here that he could get a rare glimpse at a more personal side of her. Contained in this small room were those items she used to transform herself from the wavy-haired, slightly-freckled, natural beauty whom he had only seen a few times, to the more glossy, porcelain-skinned, perfectly-manicured goddess he had the privilege to look at, but never really touch, every day. He was not immune to occasionally succumbing to the urge to peer into a drawer or two, peek into her cabinets, or even remove the lid from her perfume and hold it to his nose for a forbidden whiff. All the bottles, creams, sprays, gels, tubes, pink razors, and brushes held endless fascination for him. He was especially fond of her bath bubbles and oils. She kept those on a little ornate stand by her claw-foot tub. He loved to imagine her relaxing there, her bare skin covered in a pink flush from the heat of the water, surrounded by bubbles - or better yet, transparent bath oil - eyes closed, head resting on the rim of the tub, one hand lazily trailing one of those little spongy things across her breasts... Okay, that image definitely sparked up his mood, but also had the unfortunate side effect of giving him a slight hard-on. But after all these years of being in this state almost constantly around her, it had gotten so that he felt strange when he *wasn't* standing at half-mast. As he washed his hands, his eyes searched the mirror for the bath bottles behind him, and then abruptly his gaze caught on something that looked kind of gauzy, hanging from the old-fashioned oblong shower curtain rod above her tub. He dried his hands and turned around for a closer inspection. They were stockings. Hanging from her curtain rod. It took him a moment to mentally compute a reason why they might be there. When it dawned on him that she must have done laundry today too, and that she was drying her hand-washables in here, he realized he had been living alone far too long. Diana used to do this. So did Phoebe. But neither of them had stockings that looked like *these*. There was something different, yet familiar about some of them. They had some kind of lace on the ends of them. He took one of them down - a shimmery, sheer cream colored one. He held the toe of it in one hand, then pulled the silky material across the palm of his other hand from toe to top, an unconscious look of wonder on his face, picturing a Scully leg encased inside of it being caressed by his own hand. Dawning came when he reached the band of lace at the top and suddenly realized what he was holding. These were thigh-highs. Scully owned thigh-highs. Had she ever worn them around him? Christ, how could he not notice that? He almost dropped the thing in his panic to get it back to hanging just so on the rod. His hands were trembling and his stomach felt like it had termites in it. He had actually dated a few women who had worn these things years ago, and some who had worn more traditional garter belts and stockings. But for some reason, the idea that Scully wore them... the picture of her in them and little else was suddenly burned behind his eyelids, making him giddy. Not to mention the fact that Mulder, Jr., was no longer merely catnapping, he was standing straight up, rearing to go, trying to see what all the fuss was about. Mulder took a deep breath to calm himself and silently willed his erection to shrink as he'd done a thousand other times in the past when in the general vicinity of Scully. When he had reasonable control again, he exited the bathroom and returned to the living room. Only to be immediately confronted with her sweet little heart- shaped ass shimmying at his eye level as she balanced herself on her stepladder and arranged lights on the tree. *God Almighty, Woman,* he mentally growled as he crossed the room to assist. XXXXX She knew he had entered the room even though her back was to him - she always had this sixth sense about when he was near. It boggled the mind to imagine the delight Mulder would get out of that little nugget of information. And if her movements faltered a bit and she experienced a little sharp intake of breath in surprise when she felt his hands gently settle on her hips, who could blame her? The man *was* six feet of walking sexuality after all. Neither of them spoke as she continued to work. She was acutely aware of the warmth of his palms burning through her jeans, and she could swear she could feel his breath in the small of her back where her sweater rose every time she raised her arms. How a girl was supposed to do anything productive under these conditions was beyond her, so she gave up on the lights. She was amazed at how breathless her voice sounded when she glanced over her shoulder in his direction and requested, "Can you hand me that star behind you?" His hands remained in place as he looked for the star. When he spotted it, he removed one hand from her body to hold it out to her, leaving the other hand in place cradling her hip. She swayed slightly on the stool when a shiver raced down her body from the chill left in the spot his hand had just vacated. "Easy, Scully," he soothed in a low tone as she took the star from him. Then he brought his hand back up in a slow caress that started at the outer top of her thigh and ended up in the place on her hip that would hereafter be known as simply 'Mulder's spot'. She was staring unfocused at the star in her hand, temporarily frozen like a deer in headlights. Then, she felt his long thumbs skim down, one on each buttock, right over the pockets of her jeans, and then they slid slowly back into place, pressing deeply into her muscles along the way. She actually felt her uterus contract in timing with the movement. It literally took her breath away. After a moment spent in delicious shock, she forced herself to snap back to reality and began to move briskly, arranging the star on the top of the tree. "How does this look, Mulder?" she finally asked, her voice sounding wispy and hoarse to her own ears. And his sounded like warm brandy when he answered, "Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful." Something about his response didn't ring true, so she looked down over her shoulder at him, only to find him looking up at her with a 'Who, me?' expression, which was completely ruined when he waggled his brows lasciviously at her. "The star, Mulder. Is it straight?" she deadpanned with all the sternness she could muster. Only the slight involuntary curve of her mouth revealed her amusement. He tilted his head to the side, still supporting her on the stool, as he studied the star. "Looks straight to me, Scully." She simply nodded and patted his hands to indicate she was ready to descend the step stool. He obliged by releasing her and backing out of her way. She spent the next two hours as the very model of efficiency, bustling about her apartment, spreading Christmas cheer everywhere she went. When at last everything she had chosen to use this year had been removed from the boxes, she closed them up and put Mulder to work returning them to her storage closet. While he was busy doing that, she started the makings of homemade hot chocolate. He returned, washed his hands, and was standing in her living room, staring at her tree which she had finally lit while he was gone on his last trip to storage. "It's lovely, Scully. I can see why you went to all that trouble," he commented as she handed him his cup of hot chocolate. "Thanks, Mulder. And I don't consider it 'trouble'. I enjoy pulling out all these things I've had forever and reminiscing about Christmases past." He nodded and smiled a sad smile. It reminded her of the glimpse she had stolen of him earlier, when he was standing in the middle of her living room, staring at all her boxes. He had looked for all the world like a child who had been separated from his parents at the county fair. He had looked lost, overwhelmed, and there was a rarely seen hunger running through him, a kind of a desperation that nearly broke her heart to witness. *If only you felt about me the way I feel about you, Mulder,* she had thought at the moment. *I would give you everything I have to give. Neither of us would ever have to be lonely again.* It was because of this side of Mulder that she had decided a couple of days ago to bring Christmas to him. She had carefully formulated a plan. Decorating, music, candles, and hot chocolate today to begin the festivities. She had gotten him a really great gift. She had already told her mother yesterday that she wouldn't be making it to her house on Christmas Eve and that she might be a little late for Roll Call on Christmas Day. And she was going to invite Mulder over for Christmas Eve for dinner and companionship. She wasn't doing all this because she pitied him. God knew there was no one else on Earth that she would rather spend her time with than him. But she was realistic enough to realize that if she didn't do all this for him, with him, no one would. Mulder wouldn't get to sit and listen to carols by a Christmas tree, or have someone fuss over him for a special holiday dinner, and the only gift he was likely to receive would be from the Lone Gunmen as he had no remaining family living. She placed her hot chocolate mug on the coffee table and picked up the two stockings that she had set aside earlier. She held them up facing him. "Which one do you like, Mulder?" He just looked at her in slight confusion. She turned the stockings so she could see the fronts. "We have a Father Christmas cross stitch and a plaid with jingle bells." He tilted his head downward to bring his eyes to the level of hers. "Can I see what's behind door number two?" She could tell he didn't understand her intentions. "I'm putting these stockings up for us, Mulder. Even though we say every year that we aren't going to exchange gifts, we always do anyway. So, this year we're hanging stockings on my mantle to put our gifts in. Pick one." His eyes perused her features, a gentle expression on his face. "Well, then I guess I'll take the plaid," he said finally. She smiled and nodded once before taking them to the mantle and hanging them on the hangers she had placed there earlier. When she was done, she stood back to look at them - his on the left, hers on the right - and was overcome with the intimacy of it. The *coupleness* of it. When she chanced a glance his way, she could tell he saw it too. His eyes bored into hers, as if he were trying to read her soul. Mulder finally broke the spell and went into her kitchen to rinse out his cup. When he returned he was once again the relaxed, slightly-boyish Mulder that she knew and... well, loved. She suspected he was now so cheerful because he held in his hand one red ribbon-tied sprig of mistletoe. "Look what I found," he said as he entered the room, holding the sprig aloft, coming to a stop about a foot and a half from where she was standing. Oh, no. She knew that tone of voice. That was his hey-Scully- wanna-play-house tone. The very same one she had little resistance to. "I see you've found my secret stash of mistletoe," she told him indulgently. "Mmm, hmm. Wanna christen it?" he asked with only a slight leer. "Christen it?" "Yeah. Just like when you move into a new place and you have to christen all the rooms," he informed her. Then he theatrically looked around at all the parts of her apartment he could see from where he was standing, his focus coming back to rest on her. "All the rooms of your apartment have been christened, haven't they? Because if they haven't, I'd be glad to provide my services," he offered helpfully. She had to smile in response. *Hoo, boy. What I wouldn't give to be able to take him up on his offer.* He was grinning now too. "I'll assume by your lack of response that you're all squared away in that department. Although, I'm pretty sure I don't want to hear the details." Even though she was still slightly smiling, her eyes turned more serious when she said, "So... we need to christen the mistletoe?" His eyebrows rose to stress his point, "It's a universal law, Scully." Her eyes dropped to his lips for a stolen moment of coveting. That lower lip. God, she could write poetry about that lip. It always looked so... delicious. And ripe for nibbling. She brought her eyes back to his and very calmly gave him his answer. "Okay." XXXXXX *Okay. She said okay. I've been given the green light to kiss her.* *Mistletoe rocks!* He swallowed down a sudden dry lump that had formed in his throat. "Okay, then," he said in a gravelly tone as he closed the distance between them. When there were only a few scant inches separating them, he raised the hand that held the sprig to dangle it above her head. "Gee, lookie there, Scully. You're standing under mistletoe. Guess that means I've gotta kiss you," he teased in a soft but goofy voice. It was all she could do not to burst into laughter. "Golly, Mulder. You're right. But do we really have to talk like this?" she mimicked. He gently tucked the sprig stem-first into the hair at the crown of her head to free up his hand. Then he tenderly cradled her face between both of his hands, thumbs tracing her cheekbones softly. Her head had tilted back and he began to lower his toward her, his eyes focused intently on hers the entire way. When his lips reached a point where they were barely a quarter inch from hers, they both involuntarily closed their eyes submitting to the moment and he whispered, "It's all part of the ritual, Scully." And then he brought his mouth down onto hers in a kiss too long, too moist, too open-mouthed to be considered merely friendly, but just a hair shy of an I-want-to-crawl-inside-you kiss. He wasn't getting nearly enough of a taste of her, but he was enjoying the hell out of inhaling her breath, feeling her lips all pliant and warm against his, hearing the unsteady cadence of her breathing. Before he had even kissed her, before he even came over today, he had formulated a plan. When he had kissed her on that New Year's Eve, she had let him make all the decisions - when, how, what angle, when to break it, etc. And when he had pulled back slightly, she didn't pull back. She had just stayed there, as if she was waiting for more. He had thought about it since and decided that if he ever had another opportunity to kiss her, he would experiment a bit, see if he had been reading her right the first time. So, here was his chance. He'd had his mouth against hers for just a smidgen too long - any longer and she just might slug him. He gently broke the kiss, giving in to the overwhelming need to brush his lips back and forth across hers softly before raising his head so that their lips were not quite touching, although you'd have been hard pressed to slide a piece of paper between them. He privately called this 'Bee Territory'. And then he waited. Just as he had suspected, she kept her mouth poised under his, her breath exiting through her slightly-parted lips to fan his own. It was at once bliss and agony to be so close, and yet still so far away. *Inside. I want inside,* he pleaded silently. He could have sworn he heard a whispered, *Yes, yes, yes,* in his head. They stood in this pose for only a few seconds, although to him it seemed much longer than that. He just had to find a way inside. The forbidden wellspring he could sense just beyond her lips was drawing him like an oasis. He made his decision. He was going in. One small step for man - one giant step for Mulder's peace of mind. He lowered his mouth to hers once more. He parted her lips gently with his own and slowly forayed his tongue between them on a quest for hidden treasure. She moaned softly at the first slide of their tongues against each other, and he swallowed the sound like the sweet ambrosia that it was. His tongue slowly stroked against hers, and when he felt the tip of hers curl around his, his entire body hardened in a rush and he could have sworn he felt his heart drop about six inches in his chest. He splayed his fingers through her hair and tilted her head to the side to more thoroughly plunder the unbelievable softness that was inside her mouth. She tasted so sweet, like chocolate and like Scully. And when she momentarily lost her balance and swayed slightly to the side, he brought one of his arms down to wrap around her waist and pulled her up against him. The feel of her against him was unreal - how tiny and soft she was, her breasts pressed against his ribs, her small hands on his shoulder blades pulling him to her, her stomach cushioning his now rock-hard erection. All of these sensations - combined with the way she was letting him make slow love to her with his mouth and responding to every move he made - sent his head into a tailspin. When he needed oxygen, he dragged breath harshly through his nose in one long inhale. When he discovered a new place he had yet to explore, he changed angles and went diving. And when she abruptly broke off the kiss, he felt as if he was having a limb torn off. XXXXXX They were both gasping for air, foreheads touching, her hands fisted in his shirt to help prevent her from falling to the floor in a pool of goo. "I just need... to catch my breath," she panted. She felt his hand smooth from the top of her head all the way down her neck to her lower back in an attempt to soothe her. After a few seconds, her heart was still threatening to pound right out of her chest, but it had slowed enough for her to be assured she wasn't going into cardiac arrest. Her breathing calmed too. *Oh. My. God. We just kissed. A real kiss.* It had all happened so fast she couldn't quite catch up. One minute they were playing the cutesy little mistletoe game, the next his mouth was balanced over hers for endless seconds, just... hovering... like he was asking for permission to enter, and all she could think of was one word, over and over - Yes. Yes, yes, yes. And then his mouth was on hers and his tongue was drawing hers out, sliding and circling and turning her bones into rubber bands. She had actually almost toppled over until he wrapped an arm around her waist to support her. That's when she'd felt the firmness of his erection pressing into her. It had been so long for her; she'd almost forgotten what that felt like. *Well, one thing's for sure. Mulder is one helluva kisser. He tastes as good as he looks, and that tongue - it should be registered as a lethal weapon. And I can't believe that Mulder had a hard on. For me.* She had become so lost in the action that it was possible she had simply forgotten to breathe, because suddenly she was out of air and had to pull away. And now, here they were, in a poignantly familiar pose. Standing in her living room, foreheads together, both sets of eyes closed in an attempt to keep the real world at bay if only for one precious moment longer. Mulder's voice was gravelly and slithered in a streak down her spine when he asked, "Do I need to apologize?" She lifted her head to look at him, trying to gauge the reasoning behind his question. His eyes told her all she needed to know. The kiss had affected him as much as it had her. He was only asking because he respected her so much. She never thought there'd come a day when she'd be wishing a man would respect her just a teensy bit less. "Of course, not, Mulder," she answered in a hushed voice. "I... consented." One corner of his mouth quirked at her choice of words. He lightly trailed the side of his index finger around the curve of her jaw when he warned softly, "Well, then. Unless you're ready to christen your living room, you'd better ask me to leave." She gave him a slight smile as she pondered the options at hand. There really was only one option for her. As much as she adored Mulder, loved him in fact, and as much as her body was currently cursing her for not taking him up on his offer, this was just a tad too quick for her. She needed time to absorb everything that happened tonight, from the thumbs-on-her-ass-massage right up through the kiss of the century. She wanted time to savor it, feel the anticipation running like quicksilver through her veins, get breathless every time she was near him. She didn't need a lot of time, just definitely more than two minutes. So, with her body humming and her heart leaping, she quietly retrieved his coat and brought it to where he remained standing, a rueful smile on his face. "Thanks for your help decorating, Mulder," she spoke as she handed him his coat. He leaned over to speak softly into her ear, "Anytime. And thanks for kissing my socks off, Scully." When he straightened, she could see his playful grin was back in place. "Anytime," she parroted saucily, and was rewarded with a waggle of his eyebrows. After he left, she went straight to her bathroom, to get a good look at herself in the mirror. Her lips were bare, her hair was mussed, her cheeks were definitely pinker than usual, and her eyes were unusually bright. She looked like she'd been well and thoroughly kissed. *Yep, no doubt about it. I never stood a chance.* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *Scully was nestled all snug in her bed, While visions of our kiss danced in her head...* December 19th She had spent the day assisting her mom with some last minute decorating at her house. At various times throughout the day flashes from the previous evening would suddenly wash over her, spreading a tingling warmth from her scalp to her toes, causing her stomach to suddenly tie into knots. She'd barely been able to eat at all today. But she relished each distraction, allowing herself to become caught up in the deliciousness of remembering Mulder's hands on her, and his mouth making sweet tender love to hers. And if, at times, her focus drifted and a dreamy expression came over her features, Maggie Scully tamped down her own rampant curiosity and pretended not to notice. She knew that if her daughter had something to tell her, she would do it in her own way and on her own schedule. Scully had taken her cell phone with her, of course. She had been so sure he would call today, but he hadn't. So, here she was, nearly eleven o'clock at night, sitting up in her own bed thumbing through a medical journal without really reading anything, wondering what the hell was wrong with that man. While it was true that she could just as easily call him, it bothered her so much that the entire day had gone by without any contact from him that now she was just being ridiculously stubborn. If she were to be truthful with herself, she would realize that she was testing him. She had no idea how he would treat a woman in a relationship, never having witnessed it herself firsthand or otherwise, but she felt strongly that just because they had been the best of friends for years it didn't relieve him of his obligation to treat her like any other woman he had just kissed 24 hours previously. She had never had to call the man after their first 'encounter' in any of her previous relationships, and she didn't plan to start now. As a result, she sat there snuggled in her bed, silently stewing, willing the phone to ring with every little telepathic cell in her entire brain. Of course, her heart skipped a beat when at last the phone rang. "Hello?" "Hi, Scully. It's me," he spoke in even more of an intimate tone than usual. Her heart melted despite her aggravation. She smiled softly. "Hi, me." "Did you have fun with your mother today?" he asked. "How did you know I was at my mother's today?" "You mentioned it last week. You said you were going over there today to help her put up decorations," he reminded her. Oh, yeah. "I hope it's not too late to call. I wanted to give you plenty of time to spend with your mother." Awww. Here she had been in agony all day, when all along he was only trying to be considerate. It was so like him. She was amazed she hadn't realized that had been his intention. She had simply forgotten that she had mentioned her plans for today to him last week. "It's not too late. I'm in bed, but I wasn't asleep. And I'm glad you called," she added in her own low voice. There was a brief pause, and then his voice dropped an octave. "Hey, Scully. What are you wearing?" He just never gave up. Thank God. "I'm not going to tell you. You'll just have to use your imagination." A shiver snaked its way down her spine at the frank sensuality in his tone as he replied, "Believe me, Scully. I am. And I must say, you look... good enough to eat." Well, that was quite an image. The hand that wasn't holding the receiver came up to nervously toy with the top button of her pajama top. "Are you still there?" he asked after a pregnant pause. She cleared her throat, then answered, "Mmm, hmmm." "What are you thinking?" She expelled a quick breath in surprise. A slow smile spread across her face, and she felt a blush steal up from her neck to spread its way across her face all the way to her hairline. "I'm thinking...," she began. *Come on, Dana, you can be as bold as he can. You've trained at the heels of a master, after all.* "I'm thinking 'Mulder slipped me the tongue last night... and I'm wondering when he's going to do it again.'" Now it was her turn to revel in the shocked silence that followed. *Take **that**, Mulder. Paybacks are hell, aren't they?* "Invite me over, Scully." Hoo, boy. She should have known he would recover quickly. She suspected hearts were breaking all over the greater Washington, D.C., area. She knew with a certainty that her own was in peril. "Mulder, it's eleven o'clock. I need my beauty sleep." "You know, I could have sworn you just said, 'Mulder, I'd love for you to come over. Run every red light you see. Pajamas are optional.'" She rewarded him with a low, throaty laugh. He was so incorrigible. How was a girl supposed to resist? "That's funny, because what I really said was, 'No.' Where that red light and pajama business came from I have no idea." "A man's gotta have dreams, right, Scully?" "Speaking of which... sweet dreams, Mulder. I'll see you in the morning at the office." "Goodnight, Scully," he said, his voice dripping with warm honey. "'Night, Mulder," she responded intimately. When they disconnected, she settled back into her pillows and placed a hand over her racing heart. Verbally dueling with Mulder had always given her a secret thrill, but this... this was like shooting through space and bouncing off asteroids. Scary. Exciting. Dangerous. And when her head finally hit the pillow after she had turned off the lamp, she drifted to sleep while visions of MulderKisses danced in her head. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *And Scully in Donna Karan, and myself in Armani Had just settled at our desks for our first cup of morning coffee...* December 20th He could hear the distinctive click of those impossibly high heels she always wore as she approached the door to their office. Every hair on his body stood on end in anticipation. It couldn't be more than sixty degrees in here, but suddenly he could have sworn it was about ninety. When she rounded the corner and paused in their doorway, his eyes locked on hers and they shared a moment of mutual awareness from across the room. As she slowly entered the office and walked toward his desk, his gaze meandered on its own volition down her body. He leaned back in his chair and brought the fingers of one hand up to rub his lips as he appreciated the liquid motion of her movements. He couldn't tell if she was wearing those tempting thigh-highs, and decided it was better that he not know. This way he could assume she was. He mentally painted an image over her form, a virtual topcoat composed of soft, pale Scully skin and delicate lingerie. God, help him. The activity in his groin was so acute it was almost painful. He wasn't going to last five minutes, much less the entire day. When she reached his desk, he dragged his gaze back up to hers. She was doing that eyebrow thing. His unbearably hard cock gave a slight twitch in return greeting. There was a knowing smirk on her face when she finally broke the silence and said, "If that's a bagel in your pocket, Mulder, it could be love." He flashed her a predatory smile. "Sorry, no bagels here. All I've got is one hundred percent male appreciation." She lifted her arm to drop a bag from the bakery onto his desktop. "So I noticed." She reached into the bag and withdrew a bagel with everything and a little pot of cream cheese and placed them on a napkin on his desk. "Thanks," he offered out of habit. She picked up the bag and smoothly moved over to her desk, where she removed her coat, put away her purse, and sat down to unload her own bagel from the bag. As she was settling in, Mulder got up and poured her a cup of coffee from their own private coffee maker, mentally reciting the names of each U.S. Vice President in chronological order of their office terms in an attempt to tame the wild beastie below his belt. He brought her coffee to her and placed it on her desk blotter. She still had a knowing smile on her face, and her gaze dropped briefly to the obvious bulge below his belt. "Thanks for the coffee, Mulder. Oh, and you'd better get rid of *that* before our nine o'clock meeting with Skinner." He smiled wickedly, then placed both hands on her desk as he leaned slightly toward her and offered her a suggestion and a warning. "Then why don't you help me out? You can either alleviate the problem with the obvious remedy, or you can sit over here and behave and try not to look so damned sexy." He tamped down a surge of lust when her perfectly painted lips parted in surprise. Then she regained her composure and cleared her throat, "Alright. I'll take option number two. I'll behave if you will." He simply nodded and returned to his desk, arranging himself more comfortably as he sat. It was then that he realized he was going to get very little work done today. Today was going to be hell. Pure, unadulterated, undiluted hell. And he was going to enjoy every minute of it. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *When out at the mall I started to panic; If I didn't find Scully the perfect gift I was going down like the Titanic...* December 21st He must be insane. Nobody in his right mind would venture out to the mall, during the prime evening shopping hours, three shopping days before Christmas. When was he going to learn to buy Scully's present *before* Thanksgiving so he could avoid this madness? Every year it was the same story. He wanted so badly to get her the perfect gift, one that would really be an expression of all that she meant to him. And every year he ended up out in the frenzy, clueless as to how to find said perfect gift, the panic of the masses of other procrastinators rubbing off on him as he brushed past them through the stores. Then he usually gave up and purchased her something lame, like a key chain or a video. But this year was different. This Christmas season they had embarked on the beginnings of what promised to be a relationship to last a lifetime. She was 'The One'. He knew it with a certainty that had him grinning like an idiot. Had actually known it for a very long time, but was only recently getting to experience the dream-come-true that she apparently felt the same way about him. Indeed, only for her would he brave the wild stampede of beasts better known by the absurdly genteel name of 'Holiday Shoppers'. As he snaked his way through the crowds, passing store after store containing candles, bath stuff, clothing, shoes, purses, home furnishings, art, and various other articles on display, he began to feel his spirits sag. She didn't need any of this. As a general rule, if Scully wanted something, she went out and bought it. How do you shop for someone like that? He glimpsed a possible ray of light at the end of the tunnel when he spotted Victoria's Secret. He stopped in front of the store to study the scant clothing hanging on the hairless, faceless, unbelievably narrow mannequins in the window. His imagination was working overtime as he pictured Scully's far more enticing body barely concealed by each set of sexy lingerie on display. She would look great in them all. Hell, let's be honest here. She would look great in a burlap sack. One set in particular caught his eye. It was a midnight blue bra and panty set made of satin. There was no lace, no embroidery, and the panties were cut fairly conservatively. All together, it was a simple little number - smooth, classy, sedate - and would suit Scully to a tee. His mouth actually watered as he daydreamed of peeling it off her porcelain skin, inch by inch. Yummm. She'd probably smack him if he got that for her for Christmas. Nothing says 'I want to screw you' quite like a sexy little bra and panty set boxed up with a pretty red bow. He may as well just buy her a jumbo box of condoms to say what he *really* means. Besides, he could just imagine entering the store, asking for the panty in a size 'tiny' and the bra in a size 'perfect handfuls'. Nope, not gonna do it. Here there be slimy sewer dragons. He'd just store this particular little gift idea away until, say, Valentine's Day. He was fairly certain he'd have the opportunity to check the tags on her underwear by then, hopefully as he was peeling said garments off of her. He continued moving at a crawl along the walkway of the mall, his mind drifting to the events of yesterday. Their workday had been spent with him doing his best to make her squirm by ogling her from across the room. After a while, she became adept at ignoring him and was able to actually accomplish something, whereas he hadn't been able to focus on anything but her all day. He had arrived uninvited on her doorstep later that evening, two videos in hand as offerings - "Steel Magnolias" and "Hope Floats" - two of her all-time favorites. Personally, they were too smarmy for him, but he secretly always loved it when Scully cried during the Sally Field funeral scene in "Steel Magnolias", and during the closet scene in "Hope Floats". She got all soft and vulnerable, oozing all sorts of feminine hormones that made him want to wrap himself around her and protect her from all the misery in the real world. So, they sat side by side on her couch and watched "Hope Floats", and when Scully's eyes had started to look suspiciously shiny as the closet scene approached, he took her hand gently in his own and laced their fingers together. She gave his hand a brief squeeze to thank him, and their hands stayed linked for the rest of the movie. It was juvenile, nerve-wracking, and... well, sweet. He had kissed her goodnight at her door. The kiss had started out as a tender second meeting of lips, and then quickly segued into something deeper, something more primal and urgent. Sexual chemistry was *not* something they had to worry about. They had it in spades. It practically poured off them when they were within five feet of each other. When he had gotten home last night, his nerves were pulled taut from the constant arousal he'd experienced since he'd awakened that morning, so he had felt compelled to take matters into his own hands, so to speak. Needless to say, he was a bit more relaxed today. Last night, Scully had indulgently admonished him for his lewd behavior in the office that day, making it clear that the more personal aspects of their relationship had to remain on their personal time. He'd known that. He supposed he'd just been testing her, a little high from the newness of it all. So, today he was on his best behavior and he'd actually gotten a little work done. And now, here he was, entrenched in Fa,la,la-land. Bah humbug. Panic was starting to set in. He could just picture the carefully masked disappointment on her face if he gave her another completely impersonal gift. Then he passed by a jewelry store. And stopped. He'd thought of it every year and always ruled it out as *too* personal. But this year, this week, everything had changed. It couldn't hurt to look, he reasoned as he entered the store. It only took him ten minutes to find it. The perfect gift. Another five minutes and he was out the door, eyes slightly dazed and a hopeful smile on his lips. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *Away to her desk I flew with a start; When I saw what was there, I felt a fist squeeze my heart...* December 22nd When he entered their office the next morning, the first thing he noticed was that Scully wasn't there yet. This wasn't unusual since he was the one who usually got there first. But the second thing he noticed was odd. There was a present on Scully's desk. He hung up his coat and crossed to her desk, curiosity drawing him there like a magnet. It was a small present, maybe three inches on each side and four or five inches tall. It was gaily wrapped in holiday paper and had a tiny, shiny red bow on top. Underneath was a card. Well, hell. Who the hell had left Scully a gift? Who here knew her well enough to know that she'd accept one? Skinner. Had to be Skinner. Or Kimberly. Except there was no gift on his own desk, and it would be uncharacteristically rude of either of them to bring Scully a present and leave Mulder out. Had he pissed someone off more than usual recently? As much as he was dying to open the card and read it, he didn't, of course. Even he was above that. So, he started the coffee maker, sat down and leaned back in his chair with his feet propped on his desk, and counted the minutes until she walked in and solved the mystery. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *With her hand on her breast, the corner of her smile in a lift, And a luster of a blush, she carefully opened her gift...* Scully entered the office and immediately noted the scowl on Mulder's face. *Uh, oh. Not a good sign.* When she had talked to him last night on the phone everything had seemed to be moving along smoothly. His ever-present charm had been in fine form during their conversation, causing her to have to bite her own tongue to keep from asking him to come over at ten o'clock at night. But obviously this morning was a different story. She hung up her coat and crossed the room to pour herself a cup of coffee. She leaned her hips against the edge of her desk to face him, crossed her ankles, and took a sip. He had watched her as she moved, seesawing a pencil rapidly back and forth between two fingers, his gaze probing her as if trying to see right through her skin to her heart. "What's up, Mulder?" "Why don't you tell me?" was his enigmatic reply. The pencil continued to whirl. Ohhhkaay. She calmly took another sip of her coffee before twisting her torso around to set it on her blotter. It was then that she noticed the present sitting on her desk. She reached out to pick it up along with the card resting innocently beneath. "Where did this come from?" "I don't know. It was here when I got here this morning," he grumbled. It was obvious from the pout on his face that he was jealous. Fine by her. A little healthy competition never hurt anyone. Besides, it was possible it was from a woman. But not probable. She had a suspicion that she knew the identity of the bearer of her little gift, and if it was from *him*, Mulder had every reason to be jealous. She placed the present on her desk and opened the card. Yep. It was from Grant. He was a senior lab analyst on the second floor. They had, on occasion, worked together when analyzing some substances for an X-File. He was tall, had a wicked sense of humor, and was undeniably gorgeous. In many ways, he reminded her of Mulder. For some reason, Grant was very interested in her. He had let her know several times that if she ever returned his interest, he'd be more than happy to date her. She had actually considered it a couple of months ago, except there was only one problem with him. He wasn't Mulder. She retrieved the present and efficiently removed the bow and wrappings. When she opened the box and parted the tissue paper inside, a delighted smile crossed her face. It was a small plastic snowman, with a Hershey's kiss for a hat and another one nestled in each of the little plastic sticks poking out of its body in the place of arms. Awww. It was so sweet. Her eyes snapped to Mulder's when she heard the sharp *thwack* of a pencil piercing the ceiling above Mulder's head. "Is there a problem, Mulder?" XXXXXX *Is there a problem? Just because you're sitting there all hot and bothered over some cutesy little snowman thing with your hand on your breast, a dreamy smile on your face, and a twinkle in your eye? Nah, why should there be a problem?* He chose not to respond to her question. Instead he asked, "Are you going to tell me who its from?" It was her turn to ignore him. She stood and began to walk slowly toward his desk, hips rolling like a runway model's. On second thought, the motion was more predatory, like a gunslinger's. He wouldn't have been surprised if she had pulled her weapon from its holster and pointed it at his heart. The way he'd been behaving - he figured he deserved it. He lowered his feet to the floor and put down the pencil he'd been worrying between his fingers. God she was magnificent when she was angry. She placed her hands apart on his desk as she leaned slightly toward him. When she spoke it was with that hushed, ultra-low voice she only used when she was really pissed. "Get a grip, Mulder," she warned. "Yes. It's from a man. And no. I am not interested in him. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate the gesture." And with that said, she straightened and returned to her desk to sit down, apparently able to shut out his presence completely as she began working. *Well, I guess she put me in my place,* he thought. Unable to end the scene without getting in the last word, yet afraid to say anything else that would make her even more angry, he grabbed a pencil, whirred it a couple of seconds, and with a flick of his wrist sent it soaring overhead. His expression turned smug with satisfaction when he heard the sharp *thwack* of the tip of the pencil burying itself deep into the cork. XXXXX After Mulder had thrown his little pencil tantrum, the mood in the office had slowly eased and they had gotten some research and paperwork done. They ate lunches they had brought with them to work at their respective desks, and continued to work productively until around five o'clock when she shut down her computer and began to clear her desk. He rose and came over to lean a hip against her desk. "Are you still angry with me?" he asked softly. "No. You can't help it that you're a possessive Neanderthal," she assured him gently with a smile. He grinned back. He leaned slightly toward her to lower his voice even more. "My place, pizza?" Actually, she usually didn't mind going to his apartment. She'd spent enough time there over the years that it kind of felt like her home away from home. However, there were only a few days left before Christmas, and she wanted to spend them in her own apartment surrounded by her cozy decorations and her beautiful tree. "My place, Chinese?" she countered. "Your bed... edible body oil?" She shot him The Brow. He just never gave up. "My place. Chinese," she stated firmly. He exhaled a heavy sigh of mock resignation. "Your place. Chinese." XXXXX That night lying alone in her bed, she replayed the events of the evening in her head. The Chinese food had been delicious, as always. There had been some wine. They had sat on her couch in front of the twinkling Christmas tree for hours, laughing and talking, with quite of bit of teasing thrown in from Mulder. He was such a shameless flirt, and he was so good at it. And the best part of all was that, in all the years she had known him, she could honestly say she'd never seen him flirt with anyone except herself. As the hour grew late, they had begun kissing on her couch, making out like horny teenagers. Somehow she had ended up straddling his lap. Body parts pressed against body parts, sparks were flying. No one had ever turned her on so quickly or so hard as this man. She had been convincing herself to give in to the urge to progress their necking to its next natural step, but for some reason he had stopped them. His hold on her heart had squeezed even tighter when he told her that he wanted to give her just a little more time to get used to the idea of them being together. Was it any wonder she was head over heels in love with this man? He had bid her goodnight and left, and now, as she snuggled deeper into the billowy softness of her bed, she allowed herself a rare foray into the forbidden fantasy of making love with Mulder. If he made love even half as well as he kissed, she wasn't sure she would survive it. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *When what to my wondering eyes should appear? But Scully in a red dress, with a slit up to here...* December 23rd She exited the elevator into the basement and walked slowly to their office door, the stiletto heels of her new red shoes making sharp little tapping noises that echoed through the hallway. Today was the office Christmas party - the perfect excuse to knock Mulder on his adorable rear by wearing her new red dress. It was a simple design, and was made of luxuriously soft and shimmery silk. It was long-sleeved, with a scooped and delicately scalloped neckline, a fitted bodice that hugged her curves and emphasized the flat plane of her stomach, and a hemline which ended a couple of inches above her knees. Coupled with the matching serpentine fuck me shoes she had bought to wear with it, it made her legs look a great deal longer than they actually were. Even though the outfit officially complied with dress code, it was far more daring than she had ever worn to the office, or anywhere else around Mulder for that matter, since the day they had first met. She entered their office, chancing a brief, anxious glance in his direction, noticing that he had been watching for her entrance. She immediately crossed to the coat stand, a nervous flutter in her stomach as she removed her coat. She ran her hands down her hips to make sure the dress was laying smoothly, then turned to face Mulder fully for the first time since she had entered the room. *Good God. If looks could start a fire, I'd be a pile of ashes right now.* She just stood there, frozen into place by the heat of his gaze, and watched as he rose and crossed the room without taking his eyes off her. She knew he was about to break their little rule of no contact in the office, but she couldn't seem to muster the desire to care. He slowly paced in an arc around her, effectively stalking her. When he disappeared from view she didn't turn her head to track him, just remained standing there, her body finely tuned to his movements behind her. Her heart gave a little start when she heard the door shut and the deadbolt slide into place. Her breathing was shallow and the butterflies in her stomach had been stirred into a frenzy as she sensed his approach at her back. She felt the warmth of his body from head to heels as he stepped up right behind her. He placed a foot on either side of hers and snaked his left hand around her waist so that his hand came to rest splayed possessively across her lower stomach. He used his other hand to gently sweep her hair away from the right side of her face, then that hand came around to settle on her ribs, just beneath her breasts. She was now surrounded by him, his warmth and intoxicating scent combining to cast a potent spell over her. Just now, she didn't think there was anything he could ask of her that she wouldn't give. He tilted his head down and lightly trailed his nose from her collarbone all the way up her neck. Her nipples tightened into hard little points when she felt his fevered breath against her skin. He brought his lips to her ear, and demanded in a low rumble, "Screw work, Scully. Your desk or mine?" A harsh breath rushed out of her when her body shuddered in response. When she could breathe again, she answered, "I take it that means you like the dress." He lightly traced the outer whorl of her ear with the tip of his tongue before responding, "I'm pretty sure this dress is illegal in forty-eight states, Scully." Her body stiffened. "Is it too much? Should I go home and change?" "Mmmm," he groaned as his mouth came down to nibble on the side of her neck, his thumbs moving against her ribcage and below her belly button in a soothing pattern. "Why don't we just remove it. Then we won't have to worry about it getting messed up when you're on your back on my desk." She could always count on Mulder to reduce everything to its lowest common denominator. Her head lolled back to rest on his left shoulder when she felt one of his thumbs lightly brush against her nipple. His other hand was slowly rubbing back and forth just above the triangle of hair between her legs. She could feel the rigid length of his erection pressing insistently into her lower back. "I want to make love to you, Scully," he breathed against her neck. Oh, God. Moisture was pooling rapidly between her thighs and she could actually feel her center heating, expanding to receive him. This was getting out of hand. "Mmmm, Mulderrrr... stop. We have to stop." His lips and his hands abruptly stilled. He rested his chin on her shoulder as he attempted to calm his breathing. They both just stood there, no other sound in the room except the unsteady rhythms of their breathing. Finally, Mulder released her and stepped back, leaving her to shiver slightly when the cold air suddenly hit all the places on her body he had recently claimed as his own. He came around to face her, his eyes drawn to the flush still evident on her chest. He then skimmed his gaze down her form, languidly trailing it back up to rest on her face. "That's one hell of a dress, Scully." She flashed him a knowing smile as she inwardly thought, *And that's one hell of an understatement, Mulder.* XXXXX As they entered the room where the party was already swinging into gear, Mulder's eyes quickly scanned the crowd assembled, noting to his chagrin that Scully's entrance had not gone unnoticed by the male population. There wasn't a man in the room who wasn't watching her right now; some slack-jawed, some with drinks poised halfway to their lips, and others with predatory gleams in their eyes. Mulder's entire body tensed in heightened alert as he possessively placed a hand at the small of her back. He was completely unaware that there were more than a few women currently watching him; forcing their backs a little straighter, sucking in their stomachs a little tighter, pursing their lips into more of a sexy pout, simply because the delicious Fox Mulder was now in attendance. He had to tamp down the urge to ask her to go home and change out of that infernal dress. If he did ask, he was certain she would slug him right here in front of everyone. But didn't she know she looked like walking, breathing sex in that thing? Admittedly, there was nothing overtly risque about it - it covered her sufficiently in all the appropriate places. But, damn. The way it hugged her curves and showcased her legs was a lure no man alive could resist. Mulder leaned his head down to Scully's ear. "You know, we could skip this and have our own little party at home," he suggested hopefully. "Don't be ridiculous, Mulder. We need to socialize." He straightened, his jaw set in a determined ridge, and prepared to stand back and uncomfortably watch Scully as she worked the room, smiling and touching and spreading her sweet little holiday cheer to everyone in sight. This was going to be a very long couple of hours. "I'm going to talk to Leah and Christy," she informed him. "You'll be okay?" He nodded in response and watched her make her way gracefully over to a small pack of women huddled in a cluster by the buffet table. *Sure, Scully. I'll be okay. I'll just stand over here and shoot daggers with my eyes at any man who comes within five feet of you. No problem.* He remembered the card and shmarmy little gift she had received yesterday, the identification of the sender still unknown to him. So, he started a profile on every man in the room, mentally scanning his brain for any little tidbit of information which might help him distinguish Scully's secret Santa. He knew the culprit had to be here at the party. Virtually everyone from their section of the bureau came to this party every year for the free food and drinks voluntarily provided by management. He eliminated anyone who was married. He didn't think Scully would have had such a pleased reaction to a gift given to her by a married man. He eliminated those he felt certain were gay, including a few who had actually hit on him in the past. He temporarily discounted several whom he didn't think Scully knew personally. That left him with quite a few men to stare down and mentally pick apart. There was Rocher from Accounting. He was the intelligent, quiet type, and had always had an obvious crush on Scully. It was possible he was the culprit, but Mulder didn't think it probable. He didn't think Rocher would have the nerve to give Scully a present knowing Mulder would be there to see her open it. His gaze moved on to the next one. Danvers, from Violent Crimes. He'd always had animosity toward Mulder since back when they had worked in the same unit. The feeling was mutual. He was a jerk who thought he knew everything, and wasn't above stepping on anyone who got in his way to the top. Funny, his career hadn't seemed to move very far over the years. He was currently ogling Scully in a sleazy way. Mulder marked him off his mental list, at least temporarily, because Scully was too classy to be flattered by the attentions of such a slimeball. Mulder paused his investigation to observe Scully leaving her pack of women, her eyes seeking and finding his from across the room as she moved. They shared a secret smile before she joined a group that included both sexes. He relaxed slightly when he noted that he'd already ruled out all the men in that group as either married or gay. And so, he took a moment to procure a drink from the bar behind him, then he resumed his stance and his search continued. The next unknowing participant up for study was Harding from the lab. He was standing about ten feet away from Scully, and currently eyeing her over the rim of his drink as he took a sip. Mulder watched from across the room as Scully turned her head to scan the space around her, and when their eyes met, Harding raised his cup in greeting, prompting her to smile affectionately in return before redirecting her attention to her group. The exchange was brief and relatively innocent, but it was enough for Mulder to focus on Harding with more intense scrutiny. Mulder supposed some would think Harding remotely resembled George Clooney. He was tall and had a moderately athletic build, had those crinkly wrinkles around his eyes from smiling so much, and had an impressive set of white teeth. It was difficult for Mulder to hold any rancor toward Harding because he was always so helpful to Scully when she had called upon his expertise for an X-File. He had also been guarded but polite to Mulder the few times they had actually come into contact with each other. The more he watched Harding watching Scully, the more convinced he became that he was the one who had given her the card and present. What was his first name? Grady? Grayson? No, Grant. Yeah, that's it. Grant Harding. What the hell kind of name is *Grant*, anyway? Sounds like something from a Jane Austen novel. Mulder mentally put Harding at the top of the list of likely suspects, and continued to scan the room while sipping at his drink. XXXXX Continued in Part 2 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX He noticed Scully was on the move again and watched as she and Kimberly approached the buffet and began to fill their plates, chatting and laughing quietly as they went. When Scully bent slightly at the waist to reach for something on the other side of the table, Mulder allowed his eyes to trail down the rounded curve of her heart-shaped rear. It was all he could do not to groan aloud. That dress did wicked things to an already delectable ass. His eyes meandered their way to the slit in the side of her skirt. It was about six inches long, and apparently designed to conceal more than it revealed since he hadn't gotten a much of a glimpse of skin through it all day. But just now, while she was reaching, the slit parted all the way to its vee. It was then that he spotted the lace. Thigh-highs. Scully was wearing thigh-highs. She was trying to kill him. Lust rampaged through his body like a freight train as he imagined that she was wearing the very stocking he had run through his palms only a few days ago. He placed his drink on the table behind him without taking his eyes off her. Then he stuffed that hand in his pocket and his feet shifted restlessly as he felt a familiar tingling in his groin. He brought his other hand up to toy with his lower lip as he watched her continue down the buffet, stretching and reaching with heart- stopping regularity. He was unaware that his head had dipped and his eyes had taken on a feral glow as he drifted off into fantasy... Scully sprawled on his lap... him expertly coaxing that sheer piece of silk down her elegant thigh... his hands smoothing over her skin as he undressed her slowly... "Jesus, Mulder, get a grip on yourself before someone notices." Ah oh. Busted. He turned his head to notice that Skinner had approached his side and was currently studying Scully too. "I beg your pardon, sir?" Mulder queried with a mask of innocence. Skinner's knowing gaze met his own. "Oh, come on, Mulder. Why don't you two just get a room and be done with it?" Mulder nearly choked on that one. He reached behind him to retrieve his drink and took a long, healthy swallow as an avoidance tactic. He went back to watching Scully. It was much easier to do that than to face the man beside him who saw through him much too clearly. "Look," Skinner began. "What the two of you do on your personal time is no one's business but your own. But Christ, Mulder. Don't you think it's time you told her how you feel?" *I'm getting to it, sir. I'm a lot closer to it than you think.* He was uncomfortable discussing this here, with his boss no less, so he went on the offense. "You're right, sir. It is no one's business." Skinner didn't respond. He simply turned his head toward Scully and took another sip of his drink. Then they both watched intently as Grant Harding crossed the room to approach Scully, where she was standing next to Kimberly and eating from her plate. They continued to watch as Harding leaned down to speak more closely to Scully's ear, a movie star smile in place. Whatever he said must have been good, because suddenly she was grinning from ear to ear. Mulder thought he was going to be sick. "A piece of advice, Mulder," Skinner spoke from beside him. "If you don't take her up on what she's been obviously reserving for you for years, she's going to get tired of waiting. And then someone else is going to snatch her up. If I were ten... even five years younger, I'd give you a run for the money myself." And with that said, Skinner turned and walked away. Mulder watched his boss and friend as he retreated. Well, *that* was interesting. When Mulder turned back to search for Scully, Harding was no longer with her and she was chatting and laughing with Kimberly as they ate. Personally, he'd had about all of the holiday spirit he could stomach for one afternoon. XXXXX Another hour passed before he was able to talk her into leaving the party. It was still in full swing, the noise now a little louder as everyone was starting to get a little tipsy. But she wanted to leave work early today so she could go home and begin preparations for Christmas Eve dinner at her house tomorrow. He had offered to come to her place tonight and help with the preparations, but she had gently turned him down, stating that she was certain she wouldn't get very much work done with him around to distract her. It's about time the shoe was on the other foot. As Scully was throwing his plastic drink cup away for him, Mulder noticed that Harding was watching their interaction from across the room. When Scully returned to his side, he purposely slid his hand down her back, allowing it to settle possessively in the dip that seemed to be made just for him. He shot a smug glance at Harding before opening the door and ushering her through. *Take **that**, Hershey's Snowman Guy. You can send her all the gooey presents you want, but when its all said and done, the woman will **always** leave with me.* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *When I spotted it on her mantle, so cheesy and slick, I knew in a moment, it must be from that prick...* December 24th Scully was in the kitchen, working her culinary magic. Mulder had made a heroic attempt to help, but after several teasing gropes and one too many fresh rolls pilfered and popped whole into his mouth, she had shooed him away with instructions to amuse himself in her living room. There was fresh snow outside the windows. The tree was lit and sparkling, there was Christmas music playing softly in the background, candles burned on every available surface, and he had built an impressive fire in the fireplace. Altogether, the atmosphere was the epitome of an intimate Christmas celebration. He sat down on the couch, resisting the urge to turn on the television. Instead, he laid his head against the back of the cushion and closed his eyes, soaking up the sensation of being in Scully's home on this special day. The mingled aromas of roasted turkey, cinnamon candles, and evergreen wafted around him and he tried to commit the unique scent to memory. He finally lifted his head and opened his eyes, only to have them land immediately on a little plastic snowman sitting on the mantle, right next to *his* stocking hanger. Next to it was a card he didn't recognize. He had noticed several cards on her mantle a few days ago when they had decorated her apartment, but he was fairly certain that he didn't remember seeing this one. He rose to study it more closely. It had a winter forest scene on it, done in watercolors, and depicted an old-fashioned Father Christmas walking through the snow carrying a cloth sack. It was beautiful, and obviously not the kind of card that came packaged twenty to a box. His curiosity was peaked as he wondered who had sent it to her. Then, suddenly, he became convinced it was from *him*. Hershey's Snowman Guy. Here was his chance to find out who Scully's secret Santa was. The card was open a few inches so it could stand up on the mantle. Surely she wouldn't leave a card just sitting out like this, parted just enough for him to be able to read what was inside if he was at the right angle, if she didn't want him to know who it was from, right? He darted a glance toward the kitchen to see if Scully was watching him. She wasn't. As a matter of fact, he couldn't even see her from here. Hmmm. To peek or not to peek. He gingerly stepped to the right to get at a better angle. Yep, the writing inside was large enough that if he leaned a little closer he would be able to read it. After a moment, he had himself convinced that with this new romantic development in their relationship, he had a right to know who was sending his woman presents. So, he tilted his head toward the card, squinted his eyes, and read the inside message. *Dana, The offer stands. 555-3824 Merry Christmas, Grant* Well, hell. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *More rapid than eagles our courses they came; That it was only for myself she was cooking Was a crying shame... Now, turkey! Now, dressing! Now cranberry sauce, oh my! On salad! On hot rolls! On homemade pumpkin pie!* Dinner was perfect. She had set the table with the china she had purchased a few years ago with her mother's help when it became clear to them that she may never receive a set of china as a wedding gift. Lit tapers in the middle of the table gave off a warm glow. She had kept the food simple and used her mother's tried and true recipes, so it was all ready at the same time and was delicious. Mulder, the human garbage disposal, went through two full plates, moaning and rolling his eyes back into his head in theatrical ecstasy as he exclaimed this was the best food he'd ever eaten. With anyone else, she would have chalked his comments up as mere flattery. However, with Mulder's upbringing and his pathetically non-nutritious bachelor lifestyle, she considered it was entirely possible he'd actually never had a meal like this before. It made her want to pull his head to her breast and pet him like the child he sometimes emulated. And if she wondered at the somber mood he had brought to the table initially, she kept her mouth shut and coaxed him into playfulness with a lot of flirting and touching and playing footsies under the table. After dinner, he helped her clear the table and clean the kitchen, this time actually being of more assistance than his previous attempt. He had gone into the living room to stoke the fire while she remained behind to start the dishwasher. Now, as she entered the living room, she saw him standing in front of the fireplace, one hand lifted to something on her mantle. As she neared, she realized he was tracing the tip of his index finger around the Father Christmas on the front of the card Grant had given her. She came to a stop about a foot from him, but he didn't look at her. Instead, he just continued finger-drawing on the card, a telltale tick in the muscle of his jaw. She sighed in resignation when he turned his head to look her in the eye as he asked, "What offer stands?" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *To the top of the world my victory cries rang - She's mine! She's mine! She's mine, my heart sang!* She didn't answer for a moment. She worried her lower lip with her teeth as she had a mental debate over whether or not to take offense. Finally, she opted for a little humor to lighten the mood. "Okay, I confess. I'm having a torrid love affair with Grant Harding." She watched his adam's apple bob as he swallowed down a lump in his throat. He wasn't buying the whole humor thing. "That's not funny, Scully," he said in a serious tone. She breathed a sigh of frustration. *Geez, how can he be so insecure regarding the way I feel about him?* "Well, what do you want me to say, Mulder?" she countered, hands gesturing in a helpless manner. "You're standing here insinuating that I am leading you on while harboring a secret interest in him. It's insulting." He brought his hand from the mantle to skim down his face in a frustrated motion. "Are you telling me that you're not interested in him at all?" "Mulder, I'm not going to pretend that he isn't great-looking or fun to be around, because he is. But I'm not interested in him romantically." Then her expression softened as she added, "I couldn't be." He looked hesitant and slightly confused as he bit the side of his lower lip and tilted his head down to her level. "Why not?" *Why not, you ask? Oh, you silly, sweet man.* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *As hearts that before were unable to fly, When they meet in true love Can now mount to the sky...* Her heart started racing as she realized what she was about to tell him. *What if it scares him away? He is a man after all, and we just started 'dating' five days ago. Am I insane to even be considering saying this?* Doubts were creeping in left and right, but then she refocused on his eyes. His beautiful, comforting eyes. He had always told her so much with just one look. And just now, she could see in his gaze that he was handing her his soul on a platter. He was looking at her with so much love and longing that it brought tears to her eyes. So she gathered her courage and in a husky voice said, "I can't be interested in him, Mulder, because I'm..." Her heart was about to pound out of her chest and she suddenly couldn't breathe. He closed the distance between them and cradled her face tenderly in his palms. "You're what, Scully?" he whispered. "Please. Say it." She grabbed fistfuls of his shirt in an attempt to steady herself in a world gone suddenly topsy-turvy. There were tears in her eyes and her throat when she was finally able to continue. "I can't because... I'm in love with you." Now there were tears in his eyes and an angelic smile spread slowly across his face. "Really?" he whispered hoarsely. She arched an eyebrow and the evidence of his joy brought an indulgent smile on her lips. "Yeah. Really." They both just stood there grinning at each other, each blinking back tears. Finally, his full-fledged grin dimmed to more sedate one. Her face took on a more serious expression in response. He traced his thumbs lovingly over her cheekbones. "I suppose you'd like to know that I'm in love with you too," he teased gently. She chuffed. "Yeah. That would be nice." He slowly lowered his head to hers to softly brush his lips back and forth over hers. "I am, Scully," he breathed against her lips. "I'm in love with you too." She felt her heart swell to overflowing with emotion at his admission. And then he was kissing her senseless, making love to her with his mouth so slowly and so sensually that it left her body slack and her mind feeling drugged. She forgot where they were, what day it was, even what her own name was. She could only concentrate on the fluid motions taking place in the warm space created by their joined mouths. She curled her arms around his neck in an attempt to get even closer to him. His hands started roaming her body, spreading tingling heat everywhere they went. The kiss became more urgent. Mulder's tongue began to tangle with hers more aggressively as she felt the fierce tension in his body escalate, the blunt ridge of his arousal pressing into her belly. She had never felt more like a woman than she did at this moment. His hands stole up under her sweater to caress across the skin of her back, causing her to arch against him as goose bumps broke out everywhere. He dragged his mouth away from hers to trail it open along her chin and began to kiss and suck his way down her neck as she tilted her head back to give him better access. One large hand smoothed its way lower to cup and squeeze her rear. He bent her back over his arm slightly to reach the hollow of her throat, just above her collarbones. First his nose nuzzled, and then his tongue dipped into it, giving testament to his fascination with this spot. He nipped a titillating path across her collarbone, then gently nibbled his way up the side of her neck. Her breasts warmed and swelled, and her nipples tightened almost painfully in response to the sweet torture he was working on her exposed neck. She was feeling the urgency too. She could feel her body actually softening, opening, preparing for the fierce coupling that Mulder was so expertly promising to provide. And when that moment came, there wasn't a doubt in her mind that she would give herself to him willingly. Eagerly. One of his hands was now under her sweater, molding the side of her ribcage, thumb making slow, wide sweeps from her waist to the edge of her bra. His other arm was effectively holding her upright and against him, as she had long ago lost all sense of balance. The hand attached to that arm was still stroking and squeezing her buttocks. She splayed the fingers of one hand through his hair, cradling his head as he began to run the tip of his tongue around her ear. She could feel his hot breath softly surrounding her ear, causing a riot of sensations throughout her womb. She lowered her other arm to snake it around behind her, placing her hand on top of the one he had on her rear to move with him as he rubbed her. God, she was on fire! Much more of this and she was going to go up in flames. Then she felt his fingers around her ribs tighten and his hand on her rear gave a slightly more gripping squeeze and held. She felt his body give a little shudder. "Scully," he breathed against her ear. It was both a prayer and a plea. And she was ready. God was she ready. She tucked her head into the curve of his neck and whispered, "Mulder, it's time to christen my living room." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *So onto the rug the lovers, we flew; With hearts full of hope, And eager bodies, too...* *Holy shit.* He could hardly believe what was about to happen. He stood there just holding her as he willed his body to regain some control. If he didn't get a grip, this was all going to be over within a matter of seconds. When at last he felt he could breathe semi-normally again and the roaring in his body had calmed to a mere tremble, he lifted his head to look at her. God, she was beautiful. So breathtakingly beautiful. He was the luckiest bastard on earth. He searched her eyes for signs that she might have changed her mind, but all he found there were deep, blue, bottomless pools of love and desire. For him. Incredible. He raised a trembling finger to trace her jawbone from her ear to her chin. "I can't believe I'm going to bring this up, since I'm afraid it might bring a halt to the festivities," he spoke softly, "but I didn't bring anything with me." He could tell she understood what he was asking her by the tender smile on her face. "When was the last time you were with anyone, Mulder?" He smiled ruefully. "Years. Several long, excruciating years." His smile widened when she chuckled in sympathy. Then he cocked his head to the side as he studied her. He was almost afraid to ask, but he found he had a deep desire to know. "What about you, Scully?" "Yesterday," she deadpanned. *What?!* "Yesterday?" he queried hoarsely. He was both delighted and relieved when she shot him The Brow and laughed. "I had you." "No, you didn't," he grinned. "Oh, yeah. I had you big time," she returned smugly. He tilted his head toward her ear as his voice lowered an octave. "And I'm going to have you big time if we can find a solution to our little problem." When he brought his head back he noticed the softness of desire had once again blanketed her face, only her eyes giving away how amused she was by their wordplay. "We've both been given blood tests repeatedly over the years, Mulder. You're clean. I'm clean." Then her expression sobered when she added, "And we both know I can't get pregnant. So I don't see a problem." He had reacted to the seriousness of her statement too. He studied her closely to determine whether or not the mood was salvageable and decided he didn't care whether it was or not. This issue needed to be addressed now and gotten out of the way. Before he had a chance to speak, she said, "I'm sorry, Mulder. That we won't ever have children." He smoothed a hand down her hair in a soothing gesture. "That doesn't matter to me. And if it matters to you, we can still have children. We'll just have to get a little creative." Then he smiled playfully as he added, "You've seen my audit reports, Scully. I'm nothing if not creative." He was inordinately pleased when she chuckled in agreement. After a few moments of shared mirth they were left looking deeply into each other's eyes, sharing silent communication in the manner they had perfected years ago. Only this time there was no specific meaning behind it. Just mutual feelings of love, affection... and unsatisfied desire. He took one of her hands in his and brought it up to place a hot, open-mouthed kiss in the center of her palm, his eyes never leaving hers. He indulged a sudden urge to move his mouth to her wrist and plant a soft kiss there, inhaling her scent at the same time before returning her hand to her side. "So, are we still going to do this tonight?" he asked gently, knowing she understood what he meant by 'this'. She lowered her head to rest against his collarbone. He raised a hand to cradle her head against him, as he had done countless times before. "I want to," he heard from the vicinity of his chest. "I *really* want to. But I have to admit that I'm nervous." He grinned at her honesty. Hell, he was nervous too. But he instinctively knew that no matter what they did together, no matter how they did it, it was going to be fine. More than fine. He suspected it was going to be the single most enjoyable event of his lifetime, not because he was anticipating the physical aspects of it, but because it would be with *her*. Making love to her was going to become his religion. So she was nervous, huh? He placed a finger under her chin to raise her head to look at him. A corner of his mouth quirked up as he informed her, "Then I'll just have to see what I can do to remedy that." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *So down on my knees to the rug I drew, My heart full of love, my body eager, too...* Mulder dropped to his knees on the rug in front of her. She arched an eyebrow to let him know she was intrigued. He wrapped his hands around her hips and looked up at her. "I always knew you'd bring me to my knees someday, Scully." She expelled a breath of surprise as she smiled. With his eyes locked on hers, he took the hem of her sweater in his fingers and delicately pushed it up to just underneath her breasts, exposing her midriff. When she felt the first brush of his lips against her skin she squirmed a little. She had been ridiculously ticklish since the day she was born. She had to forcefully stop herself from breaking out into a fit of the giggles. "Ticklish, Scully?" he asked in a low voice against her stomach. She didn't answer. Instead she spread the fingers of both hands through his hair as an encouragement for him to continue. He pressed his open mouth a little more firmly against her skin this time, and it felt like Heaven. He continued slowly kissing every inch of exposed skin he could reach, his hot breath fanning over her, the wet rasp of his tongue causing her stomach muscles to quiver. She moaned and allowed her head to loll back as she felt desire begin to once again simmer in her veins. When his lips strayed to a place on her side, just above the waistband of her trousers, to a territory he had yet to explore, her muscles contracted sharply and she actually did release a giggle. Her hands had tightened in his hair and she tried to tug him away from the supersensitive spot, but he wasn't going anywhere. He gave her a moment to relax, and then he sank his teeth gently into her side. Her head popped up and this time she did push his head away as she laughed. "I can see I'm going to have a problem with you behaving yourself," she teased. He grinned up at her shamelessly. "You're secrets are no longer safe from me, Scully. I've finally found a way to get you to do anything I ask." She smiled down at him with affection as she ruffled his hair. "Mulder, you already know I would do anything for you." He stared into her eyes for a moment. Her stomach gave a little lurch when he finally ordered in a low voice, "Then take off your sweater." She paused for a few seconds to gather her courage. Then she took the hem of her sweater in her fingers and pulled it up and off. He took it from her hands and she assumed he was going to place it neatly somewhere like the coffee table. She should have known better. He simply tossed it over his shoulder to land behind him, hanging off the edge of a chair. Her breasts were at roughly his eye level, and his heated gaze was now fixated on her bra. It was a new one she had just gotten at Victoria's Secret a couple of weeks ago. It wasn't fancy or lacy, it was just deep blue and super smooth, and she had liked it so much in the display window at the mall that she had immediately purchased it and a matching pair of panties too. The way he was staring at it as if he was in awe, she would have thought he'd never seen a bra before. Well, if he liked this, wait until he saw the matching thong she had on underneath her pants. He lifted his hand and began to lightly trace the tip of his forefinger along the edge of her bra, starting at her collarbone, skimming down over the curve of one miracle-bra-enhanced breast until he reached the vee at the bottom, then trailing it up over her other breast until he reached her other collarbone. By the time he was done, her breasts had swelled so much that they were threatening to spill out of their cups. The fact that she didn't seem to be able to control her own breathing anymore didn't help much. He looked up at her, his eyes dilated and hooded with desire. She tenderly smoothed his hair back from his forehead. God, he was gorgeous. Both inside and out. Especially inside. *Especially* out. His attention was then drawn to her feet. He placed a hand behind one of her calves, drawing it forward. She placed her hands on his shoulders for balance as he removed her loafer. She had never known the insides of her calves were so sensitive until she felt his hand snake inside the leg of her pants intimately to find the top of her knee-high trouser sock and slowly peel it down and off. He repeated the same procedure with her other foot. He then focused on the fastening of her trousers. He slid the button through the hole, then tenderly lowered the zipper. Next, he slid them over her hips and down her legs to pool at her feet. She again balanced herself against his shoulders as she stepped out of her pants and watched as they went sailing over his shoulder to land on the back of the same chair the sweater was dangling from. During the whole process of undressing her he had treated her as carefully as he would have if he had been opening a precious gift. She felt treasured. She felt wanted. And now, as he sat back on his heels to study her in the firelight, she felt sexy. He began to smooth his hands up the outsides of her legs in one long caress, starting at her ankles. His palms were warm and stimulating against her skin. When he reached the place where her thighs met her buttocks, he lifted his face to watch her as he curved his hands slightly more toward her backside, fingers spread wide. His hands continued on their journey until they reached the scant quarter-inch of material at the top of her hips that was the sum total of her covering back there. She watched as his eyes glazed over with the realization of what she was, or more accurately wasn't, wearing. He lowered his head until his forehead rested against her stomach and stated in a low rumble, "I must have been very, very good this year." She grinned from ear to ear. *Mmmm, hmmm. You have.* *Merry Christmas, Mulder.* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *And then in a twinkling, neither of us was shy; There was groping and pawing - I treasured each moan and sigh...* A thong. She was wearing a thong. *It's a good thing she's a doctor,* he thought, *because I think my heart just stopped beating.* Not only was it a thong, but it was one that matched the bra he'd been picturing on her days ago. If he survived the night, which was definitely in question at the moment, he was going to open an X-File on this telepathic link they seemed to share. The lingerie showcased her creamy skin and molded to her curves as if it had been designed exclusively for her. And her body. She was perfect. Absolutely perfect. Of course, he'd never expected perfection. He felt certain he'd feel the same way about her and want her just as much if she'd had saggy boobs, stretch marks, and cottage cheese thighs. The fact that she didn't; that her body was well-toned and femininely curved in all the right places and her skin was impossibly smooth was just icing on the cake. Sweet, creamy, delicious icing. Yummm. Speaking of which, his heart had resumed beating and it was time to move on to further undiscovered territory. He lifted his head to meet her soft gaze, took her hand in his, and said, "Come here, Scully." She lowered herself to her knees in front of him. He cradled her neck in his hands, his thumbs tilting her chin up to him, and he brought his mouth to hers for a long, slow kiss. He had observed that she usually let him take the lead when they were kissing, and this time was no different. He kept the pace agonizingly slow, letting their anticipation heighten. When at last he broke the kiss, he pulled back slightly to look at her bra, ran a finger under the strap at her shoulder, and said, "This is absolutely beautiful on you. But I'm ready to see what's underneath." Then he gently requested, "Will you take it off for me, Scully? I want to watch you." "That hardly seems fair, Mulder," she replied with a husky tone. "You're still fully dressed." He didn't even pause, he just unbuttoned the top two buttons of his Henley, whipped it and his undershirt off together in one motion, and sent them flying into the great beyond behind him. When that was accomplished, he sat back on his heels, an expectant expression on his face. She must have forgotten the rules of the game because she leaned toward him slightly and ran the fingers of both hands through the hair on his chest, a soft expression of wonder on her face. What she was doing felt heavenly, made him want to rub up against her hands for petting like a kitten, but just now he had another agenda. "The bra, Scully," he reminded her. Her eyes met his and she removed her hands from his chest as she straightened. She brought both hands behind her and he heard the muted click of a new bra being unsnapped. Then she slowly drew the straps down her arms one at a time before stretching her arm out straight to the side, dropping the dangling bra from her fingers. Needless to say, watching the process was... well, it was an exercise in seduction. Her graceful, fluid movements coupled with the sultry look in her eyes had cast a spell over him, so much so that he was pretty sure he would crawl through broken glass right now to get to her if he had to. He dropped his gaze to her breasts. He had been right. Perfect handfuls. They were perkier than he expected. Most of the women he'd been with in the past had had much larger breasts than Scully's and theirs had always ridden lower on their chests. Hers were so pale and looked undeniably feminine. And her nipples... they were exquisite. They were small, the same soft rose color as her bare lips, and drawn into tight little nubs. He gently cupped the underside of a breast in each hand, marveling at the contrast of light and dark his hands made against her luminous skin. Then he slowly rubbed a thumb across each nipple. His eyes darted to hers when he heard her sharp intake of breath. Her eyelids were very heavy now, her lips were parted, and as he watched, her tongue slipped out to moisten them and he felt his rock-hard cock twitch in appreciation. He kept his gaze on hers as he slowly rolled a nipple between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. "Oh, God," she moaned hoarsely, as her body tipped slightly to one side. He took mercy on her and removed his hands from her breasts to wrap an arm around her waist and help support her. He leaned toward her and braced his other arm against the floor behind her. "Lay back," he coaxed, and he followed her down as she obeyed. His lower body rested on the floor between her slightly parted legs and his upper body was suspended above her supported by an elbow. His eyes trailed hungrily down her body. Her skin seemed to glow in the firelight, and the thought dimly registered that she probably had some scars somewhere, but all he could see was inches and inches of flawless, petal-soft, alabaster flesh punctuated by two tawny, delectable nipples. He reverently trailed the fingers of the hand that wasn't supporting him gently down her torso, starting at the dip in her throat, tracing a meandering line between her breasts, continuing further down the center of her midriff, all the way to the top of her panties. He was enchanted by the way her back arched and her stomach muscles quivered under his fingers from the onslaught. He could come just looking at her. His voice was low and grating when he said, "I'll never know how I kept my hands off you all those years." XXXXX *Yeah, I've had that thought a few times myself.* She didn't realize she had spoken her thought aloud until she heard him chuckle and respond, "Been pining away for me, Scully?" She grinned at him in embarrassment at her admission. He wrapped his hand around her hip to still her squirming, and promised in a low, sexy timbre, "Trust me, Scully. I'm going to do everything I can to make up for lost time. Even if it takes a lifetime." Before she had time to recover from the impact of that statement, he lowered his mouth to plant a scalding, open kiss on the upper swell of one of her breasts. *Mmmm. Just a little... lower...,* she thought as she arched her back underneath him. He proceeded to drive her further into insanity by kissing and gently biting his way in a lazy circle about an inch and a half away from her nipple, to the underside of her breast, then to the ultra-sensitive curve at the outside of her breast. When she finally felt his teeth close over her nipple she let out a shaky sigh and lifted her hand to run her fingers through his hair, cradling his head against her. His grip on her hip tightened as she began to rock rhythmically against him. She felt a surge of hot liquid well out of her center as he took her into the warm cavern of his mouth and tugged and laved at an agonizingly slow pace. She trapped her lower lip between her teeth to keep the litany of explicit pleas churning in her throat from bubbling out. He was watching her as he suckled, desire and something darker, like stark hunger, in his eyes. She had fantasized about having his mouth on her many times, but nothing had prepared her for the fierce pleasure of watching and feeling him ravish her. He turned his attention to her other breast and subjected it to the same brand of seduction. She was now writhing under him, one hand pressing his head to her, the other restlessly roaming over the warm, taut skin of his arms, shoulder and back. He was still pinning her lower body down so she couldn't rub against him to ease some of the ache. God, she needed to rub against him. When she saw her wet nipple pop out of his mouth as he raised his head, a hot geyser of need rushed through her. She arched her body off the rug to wrap her arms around his neck and bring her mouth to his, her tongue aggressively plunging inside his mouth, showing him without words the kind of activity she was aching for. He allowed her to plunder his mouth to her heart's content as he moved the hand previously on her hip to her back to support her. Now that her hips had been given freedom, she raised her knees to give herself leverage to grind against him, swallowing the groan he released into her mouth. She poured into him years of loving and longing and suppressed desire, and reveled in the deep emotion he lavished her with in return. She finally broke the kiss to whisper, "God, Mulder. I'm so in love with you it hurts." He puffed a sharp breath of fire against her lips, then buried his head in her neck. "Me too, Scully," he said tenderly. "So much." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *As I lowered my head, she was writhing around; My tongue worked its magic and she came with a bound...* He carefully lowered her back to the rug, then kissed a fiery path down her body, from her neck to the satiny blue swatch of cloth concealing her most private flesh. The smell of her arousal swamped his senses as he nuzzled her through her underwear. Her scent was musky and womanly and brought out all manner of primal instincts in him. He gave in to the urge and sank his teeth into her deeply, expelling a fevered, moist breath against her center. When her hands flew to his head and she huskily murmured, "Oh, God," he had to violently tamp down the desire to rip off her underwear and drive himself into her so deeply she'd feel him in the back of her throat. He hooked his index fingers into the scraps of fabric on the sides of her hips and continued sliding down her body, dragging the thong off as he went. The material was slung carelessly into the void as he sat back on his heels by her feet to study the precious gift he'd so carefully unwrapped. She scissored her legs together nervously under his scrutiny. *No secrets, Scully,* he silently admonished her. He brought one of her dainty feet to his mouth to plant a nibble at her instep and grinned when he heard her giggle. He returned her foot to the rug, placing it much farther away from him than it had originally been. He then repeated the procedure with her other foot, the end result being that her legs were now parted for him and he could more clearly see the secrets she had been shyly trying to hide. He crawled between her legs, then lowered his body so that his face was directly over her auburn triangle, his hands coming up to rest flat on the patch of skin just above it. Her scent was stronger now and he inhaled deeply, his mouth watering at the promise of the rich, smoky flavor. She kept the hair covering her mound well-manicured, trimmed short into a neat wedge. He could clearly see her glistening lips and the tight little pearl in the center, swollen and red in her advanced state of arousal. It had been so long since he had been this close to a woman's sex that he stared at it for a few moments, fascinated. Eventually, he looked up her body to find that she had propped herself up on her elbows and was watching him study her. She looked impossibly sexy with her hair wild around her face, her lips bare and pouty, her drooping eyes glowing, and a healthy flush on her cheeks. His eyes remained on hers as he moved a thumb down to slip into the moisture of her cleft, sliding down a little further until he found the swollen bud and circled it slowly several times. Her eyes closed dreamily and her head fell back to hang limply against her shoulders. The movement thrust her chest up and he continued to glide his thumb through her softness as he admired the silhouette of her breasts pointing to the ceiling. She was the single most sensual creature he had ever seen. And she was his. Amazing. He dragged his eyes from her breasts to watch at close range as his thumb swirled around and through her slippery folds. She raised her knees slightly to give him better access and he appreciated the gesture. Finally, he lowered his head and his tongue joined the action, dipping into her moisture, then dancing around his still moving thumb to cover twice the territory. Every time his tongue brushed against his thumb he felt a jolt of desire lance through his body. He'd had no idea his thumb was so sensitive to the rasp of a tongue. He'd be sure to let Scully suck on it some time, knowing instinctively that the pleasure would be magnified a hundredfold if it was her tongue rubbing up against him. Her hips were rolling against him now as he schooled his mouth to focus on her clitoris, bringing teeth and lips gently into play, occasionally blowing a hot, piercing stream of air directly on the hard little nub. He glided his thumb lower to slowly circle the fevered flesh around her opening. "Mulder, please..." he heard her whisper in agony. He lifted his head to watch her shudder as he removed his thumb and ever-so-slowly inserted his index finger into her to the base, then just as slowly withdrew it, a scalding pool of liquid flowing from her to follow his finger's retreat. He used his index and middle fingers to spread the new moisture all around her opening, then repeated his earlier action, this time gently inserting both fingers into her as far as they would go. He left his fingers firmly inserted inside her and swallowed down a lump of lust at the sight of his hand buried deep in her. Her hips began to rock, trying to pump herself on his hand. He began to work in tandem with her, thrusting and retreating his fingers at an excruciatingly slow pace; she moaning in time with their movements. After a few moments of that torture, he placed his free hand above her triangle, pressing down to still her movements as he continued to languidly make love to her with his hand. He lowered his head to her, latching his lips onto her clit, flicking it quickly and repeatedly inside his mouth with the tip of his tongue. Within moments, he felt her body begin convulsing around his hand, the muscles deep inside her body sucking him in deeper and deeper with each contraction. She was moaning hoarsely, talking fevered gibberish in her ecstasy, her body quivering under the onslaught of her orgasm. He continued to press against her lower body, holding her down and feeling her uterus contract under his hand as he sucked hard on her and gave her as much length to come on as he possibly could. As he sensed her coming down from her high, he slowed and gentled the movements of his mouth, tenderly sipping at her now. When she dropped from her elbows to lie flat on her back on the rug, chest rising and falling rapidly in her efforts to catch her breath, he took that as a sign that this particular little party was over, so he carefully withdrew his fingers, gave her one last kiss in the center of her mound, and crawled up her body to cover her with his warmth as she recovered. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *Her eyes, how they twinkled! Her smile, how merry! Her cheeks were like roses, Her lips like a cherry!* He supported most of the weight of his torso on his elbows, allowing his painfully hard erection to rest fully against her softness. His body was humming with the effort to control his desire as he tenderly kissed the hollow of her shoulder. When her breathing had calmed, she stretched lazily underneath him, rubbing against him, causing his groin to throb with eagerness. He raised his head to observe a very satisfied woman with a contented smile spread across her face. Needless to say, he was very proud of himself at this moment. "That's never happened to me before," she told him quietly, suddenly looking shy. He allowed his eyes to wander over the delicate features of her face. "Which part?" he finally asked. A pretty blush appeared on her cheekbones. "I've never... you know... *orgasmed* during oral sex," she informed him, gesturing with her hand and batting her eyelashes playfully. Jesus, she made him feel like Hercules. "Really?" he said, his voice full of pride coated in dark molasses. "Mmmm, hmmm." "Then we'll have to do that again sometime soon," he said with a waggle of his eyebrows. She chuckled in response. Then she chewed on the side of her lower lip for a moment as she studied him. "Mulder, get off me," she ordered in a husky alto. Huh? "Scully, please tell me the festivities aren't over," he stated, a note of panic in his voice and a confused expression on his features. She simply said, "It's my turn." Ohhhkaay. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *Her pouty little mouth was drawn up like a bow; The feral smile on her face her intentions did show..." He moved his hips off her body to recline on the rug beside her, one elbow supporting him as he watched her warily. She should have known it would throw him off balance if she tried to take control. She placed a hand on his shoulder to coax him to lie on his back, which he did, looking at her suspiciously. She sat on her heels by his hip and leaned over to sweetly kiss him. His hand came up to cup her head and pull her mouth more firmly onto his as he tried to regain the upper hand. She broke the kiss, reminding him this was her show now. "Be gentle," he teased softly. She rubbed a hand across his chest in a soothing gesture. "You just lay back and think happy thoughts, Mulder," she ordered. "I promise this won't hurt a bit." Then she rose gracefully to retrieve a small throw pillow from her couch, returning to kneel beside him and place it gently under his head. "Comfy?" she asked. He leered as he replied, "I'd be more comfortable if you'd straddle my face, Scully." She laughed, then pretended to mull the thought over in her head before answering, "Maybe next time." She ignored his little boy pout as she braced a hand on either side of his ribcage and lifted her leg over him to straddle his hips. He groaned when she let her weight rest on him, right where he needed the pressure most. He watched her intently as she placed both hands on his stomach just above his waistband, then smoothed them up his torso in a slow caress. She swirled her fingers through the hair on his chest several times. Then she braced herself on one hand placed next to his ribs and leaned down to run the flat of her tongue in lazy patterns all over his chest, pausing to delicately bite a nipple when it crossed her path. His hands came up to cradle her head as she performed her ministrations. After she had thoroughly explored his chest, she scooted down a bit to kiss a wet trail across his torso, instantly missing the pressure of his rigid length against her as she adjusted her body to rest on his thighs. She laid down fully on him to free up her hands. She became fascinated with the contrast between the fine hairs that formed a line down the middle of his stomach and the incredibly soft skin of his sides. She kissed and nibbled on one of his sides above his hipbones while one of her hands roamed the other side restlessly, fingertips occasionally dipping into his navel or slipping under his waistband. He squirmed a little as she sank her teeth into his side as he had done to her earlier. So, he was ticklish too, eh? She'd just store *that* little nugget of information in the file marked '101 Ways to Make Mulder My Slave'. Finally, she became tired of being restricted by the waistband of his pants, so she sat up on her heels between his thighs and efficiently unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants. She became distracted by the impressive bulge currently straining against his zipper. She placed a warm hand over it and gave a little squeeze, then looked up at his face when she heard a low rumble in his chest. "Scully," he warned. She shot him The Brow and quirked a corner of her mouth as she said, "Patience is a virtue, Mulder." "Yeah, well I'm not feeling very virtuous just now, Scully." Touche. She carefully lowered the zipper, then gingerly pulled the elastic band of his boxers up and over the tip of his erection, taking care not to touch any skin yet. She gripped the sides of boxers and pants, he obligingly lifted his hips for her, and she pulled them down and off. She crawled on her hands and knees back up his body, stalking him like a tigress. Which was exactly what she felt like as she settled her body between his thighs and studied him. Grrrrr. He was... well built, to put it mildly. She had seen him enough over the years, completely nude a couple of times, snuggled in a swimsuit once or twice, even dangling in his boxers here and there, so she knew he wasn't going to disappoint. But *really*. It astounded her that *this* had been so near all these years, sitting across from her in the office, sitting three feet from her in the car, even pressing against her during the rare hug, and she'd never really even known what she'd been missing. And she called herself an investigator? She rested her upper arm on one of his hipbones, bending it to support her head in that hand. Then she lightly trailed a fingertip down his length, from head to base, tracing the baby-soft skin, admiring the smooth perfection of this most masculine part of his body. She tilted her head up to check on him when she heard his hiss. He was watching her with a smoldering gaze, completely focused on her attentions. She returned her focus to his sex, this time cupping her entire hand around the top, then smoothing it gently down the column, ending with a light squeeze to his testicles. His hips tilted to press his member more fully into her hand in response. Then she noticed a pearly drop of fluid that had formed at the tip of his head. He watched in fascination as she tenderly collected the drop onto the tip of her index finger, then brought that finger to her mouth to spread the moisture around her lips like it was lip-gloss. "*Jesus Christ*," he hissed as he watched her place that fingertip between her lips, then slowly pull it back out, sucking the remainder of his fluid into her mouth for a taste. "Mmmmm," she hummed. So *that's* what Mulder tastes like. Delicious. "Scully, you're scaring me," he said shakily. She merely shot him a wicked grin. *Be afraid, Mulder. Be very, very afraid.* XXXXXX *This is torture.* He was suddenly certain that Scully was about to give him a blow job, and he was terribly afraid that the minute she wrapped that sweet, pouty little mouth around him he was going to shoot off like a rocket. Weren't men his age supposed to have a little more control than this? Probably, but most men his age didn't spend the majority of their thirties celibate as he had. He'd never forgive himself if he couldn't control himself and did something to offend her. He watched in astonishment as she rubbed her lips together, smearing his own precome all over her lips. His cock twitched in gratitude at the display. He placed an arm over his eyes, hoping that if he wasn't watching, he wouldn't have such a severe reaction. He never thought there'd come a day when he'd actually wish Scully *wouldn't* put her mouth on him. It never occurred to him to simply ask her to stop before he made a fool of himself. His cock was pretty much doing most of his decision-making, and it had long ago decided that its best friend in the world was Scully's mouth. *Aaaaawww, Goddddd.* Scully's mouth was sucking a wicked little serpentine pattern all the way up his length, starting at the base, and now on its way to his head. *Where the hell did she learn **that**?* *Never mind. I don't want to know.* He could feel a familiar tingling gathering in his testicles. Not a good sign. His hips were moving of their own accord underneath her. When she reached the tip, he couldn't help it. He had to watch. He raised his arm to rest on his forehead and sneaked a peek, only to find her watching him as she rounded the tip, eyes sparkling with humor. He brought his hand down to involuntarily fist in her hair, just holding her there, mouth poised against his head. He wasn't sure if the gesture was an effort to make her stop, or one to make sure she didn't. She released her suction against his tip, raising her head a couple of inches in spite of his grip in her hair, and very, very softly warned, "Don't make me get out my handcuffs, Sweetheart." *==Gulp== Handcuffs?* His grip in her hair loosened and he used that hand to smooth her hair away from her face before returning it to rest on his stomach. *Okay, Scully. I'll be a good boy.* She very gently gripped his base in her hand and raised him a couple of inches as she rose up more fully onto her knees for a better angle. Then he held his breath as she lowered her mouth back down to him, taking first his head inside, then, very slowly, several inches more. His breath expelled on a harsh groan as his eyes rolled back into his head in ecstasy. Her mouth. Oh, God. It was so hot, and wrapped so tightly around him. And he could feel her tongue swirling against his sensitive underside. He brought the arm resting on his forehead back down over his eyes, and the hand on his belly roamed restlessly as she dragged her mouth back up and almost all the way off him with an excruciatingly controlled pace. Sweat broke out on his forehead and he bit down on his lip hard as she plunged in slow motion back down his length. This time when she slid her mouth back up to his crown, she dragged the hand previously gripping his base up behind her mouth, spreading her saliva into her palm. *Oh, unfair. Really unfair, Scully.* She began a series of up and down motions, her mouth gripping the top half of him, her slick palm wrapped around the bottom half, both rhythmically stroking him into oblivion. It was hell. It made him want to throttle her. It was without a doubt the best damn blowjob he'd ever been given, bar none. He held on by the skin of his teeth, riding crest after crest of raw, bittersweet passion, on the very edge of orgasm the entire time. His downfall came when he felt her fingernails lightly scrape against his testicles. Suddenly, all of his internal gates swung open and a flood was eminent. "Scully. Oh, God, Scully..." he nearly shouted in his panic. His upper body shot up and his hands flew to her head to withdraw himself from her mouth. He had a painful grimace on his face as he laid back down on his back, one hand gripped firmly around the base of his penis in an attempt to forestall disaster. She came up to lie by his side resting her head in her hand as she looked at him. One of her legs crossed over one of his, her foot rubbing up and down his calf. Her free hand caressed his chest in a comforting manner. When at last he felt the crisis was over, he released his punishing grip on his member and opened his eyes to look into hers. He splayed a hand through her hair as he said breathlessly, "Give me a minute. That was close." Her hand on his chest stilled and she rested her chin on it. He had to smile affectionately at her. She looked so adorable lying there halfway on top of him, watching him as she waited patiently for him to get a grip so he could pay some attention to her. He dropped his hand from her hair to run his thumb over her lips. "I always knew you were dangerous, Scully. I just never realized you were quite that lethal." Her eyes glittered with amusement. "I think I'm gonna put you on the top of our Ten Most Wanted list," he teased. She quirked her brow at him and reminded him, "I wouldn't be of much use to you from prison, Mulder." "Good point. Scratch that idea." They were both silent for a moment as they gazed into each other's eyes, both realizing playtime was over. The moment they had each dreamed about for years was finally at hand. He ran a palm down her side to rest on her hip, squeezing it gently as he said in a sandpaper voice, "C'mere, Scully." This time both eyebrows shot up and it was all he could do not to laugh at her surprise. "I get to be on top?" "It would be a crime to get rug burns all over your adorable backside," he explained, as if his reasoning should be obvious. "Uh, huh," she replied as she swung a leg over him. Then, as she once again straddled his lap, supporting her upper body on her straightened arms, aligning her slick center for the first time against his hungry hardness, she said unsteadily, "I'll just have to live with rug burns on my knees instead." He smoothed his hands down her back to her rear, then down the backs of her thighs, wrapping a hand around each to pull them up and out to open her more fully to him. His voice was tight when he answered, "Sometimes we have to make sacrifices, Scully. I swear I'll make it worth the inconvenience." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *The cord of my neck she held tight in her teeth; And her scent, it encircled my head like a wreath...* She draped herself over him and he raised his head to hers to devour her mouth. Their passion had re-ignited the moment her flesh had come into contact with his. She followed his head back down to the rug, losing herself to his drugging kiss, rubbing herself along his length, spreading her juices over them both. She was embarrassingly, sloppily wet. Having Mulder in her mouth, feeling his barely controlled desire underneath her hands and her lips, had proved to be an incredibly huge turn on for her, just as she had always known it would. At last, she couldn't stand the waiting anymore so she brought herself to his tip, reaching a hand down to lift him to her opening. His hands came up to grip her head and hold her mouth against his as they broke the kiss. Her body was shaking as she slowly pushed herself back, receiving the tip of him into her welcoming body. He was holding his breath, and she was letting hers out in sharp, uneven pants against his lips. He was letting her set the pace, for which she was grateful, because her body was currently on sensory overload and he was only inside her maybe an inch and a half. She lowered herself onto him a little more, feeling her hot moisture gush out to coat him and ease his passage. Inch by blessed inch she took him into her body, glorying in the sensation of being filled to overflowing after being parched for so, so long. She felt long-unused thigh muscles quiver as she finally took in every last inch of him, swallowing his ragged moan as they both felt him press gently against her cervix. Mulder began to suck on her upper lip, an apparently sensitive spot for her since she felt her uterus twinge in appreciation. She leisurely raised herself until he was almost completely out of her, stomach muscles contracting at the feeling of him dragging against her inner walls. Then she lowered herself back down onto him, grinding a little against his pelvic bone at the end of the descent. She started a slow but steady rhythm of raising and lowering onto him and they started to kiss again, their tongues mimicking the action below. His hands released their grip on her head, and he lightly trailed his fingertips along her shoulder blades, causing her to shiver and goose bumps to break out all over her body. Then he smoothed his hands around her sides to slide them between their bodies and cup a breast in each palm. He massaged them for a moment, then began to roll a nipple between the thumb and forefingers of each hand, occasionally giving a little tantalizing tug. And all the while, they made love to each other with their mouths. Eventually, he released her breasts and smoothed his hands down her back to land on her buttocks, gripping one in each hand to assist her in her movements against him as the pace began to quicken. Her increased efforts were costing her more oxygen, so she had to tear her mouth away from his to breathe, burying her head in the curve of his neck to kiss and occasionally sink her teeth into him when the urgency would reach a new peak. He had raised his knees and planted his feet wider so that he could lift himself to meet her more firmly on her down strokes, grinding against her at the moment he was buried most deeply in her body. This position, although it was its own little slice of Heaven, wasn't stimulating her clitoris enough for her to come, so she rose to sit upright on him. The new angle caused his tip to rub harder against her g-spot and she immediately felt a corresponding response in her womb. It was like being tickled from the inside. It made her want to both giggle and moan. He gripped her hips with his hands to raise and lower her as he pumped into her from underneath. Her breasts jiggled with each impact, but she didn't care. She figured Mulder probably didn't mind the additional visual stimulation. Neither of them had said a word since she had first taken him into her body. They were both too wrapped up in the mutual desire rampaging through their veins, and in the overwhelming enormity that after all these years, they were finally making love. She was straining against him so hard, so close to release, yet unable to quite reach the top of the pinnacle. She was just about to break down and touch herself when Mulder, bless his heart, took mercy on her and placed his thumb on her, moving it in hard little circles over and around her swollen clit. Immediately she felt the wave of ecstasy rise up, threatening to swallow her whole. "Oh, God," she moaned through her throat. Mulder raised his other hand to pinch and tug on her nipple, leaving her to ride him unassisted. The fever was rapidly building inside her. Suddenly, the picture of taking him into her mouth flashed behind her eyelids, and that was the impetus she needed to push her over the edge. She landed hard against him and stayed there as she felt the first wave wash over her. XXXXX Continued in Part 3 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX God, she was beautiful. He had been watching her from the time she had sat up and began riding him for all she was worth, a veritable symphony of fluid movements and graceful sensuality, the soft glow of the fire dancing over her body. He had been lost to her from the moment she had sheathed him in her tight little body. He could hardly believe the ferocity of the emotions swelling his heart as he merged with her, body, mind, and soul. And now she was coming. For him. On him. Around him. Her body was rigid with tension, her nipples tight red pebbles against the milky-white of her skin. On her face was a look of ecstasy as her orgasm shuddered through her body. She was moaning nonsense, occasionally scattering parts of his name in there when she was able to form actual syllables. He continued to rub her hard little nub, instinctively knowing that this movement was prolonging her pleasure. He felt her body squeezing him, trying to milk the seed from his own. And it was working too. He purposely loosened the rigid control he had been maintaining over his erection during the rest of their lovemaking, allowing fluid to gather in his testicles, readying for its own violent release. A couple more contractions of her walls around him and he would be a goner. He pressed his thumb against her hard to wring every last drop of her orgasm out of her. She let out a sharp cry in response as her womb gripped him tightly once more, and he gave in to the storm. "Ahhh, Scully!" he nearly shouted as the first floodgates opened. He surged up against her, bucking into her like a stallion, shooting scalding fluid into her as deeply as he could go. And all the while, she clamped her thighs around him and rode out the storm with him, raining soft words of love down over him as she received his offering. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *A wink of her eye and a kiss on my forehead Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread...* She had covered his body with her own as their frantic hearts calmed and their bodies cooled. When she felt him begin to slip out of her, she went ahead and raised herself off him, placing a peck on his chin in sympathy when he growled in protest, then laid on her side next to him. He turned to face her, both with an arm stretched out above them to pillow their heads. He curled a leg over hers, placed his hand into the dip of her waist and pulled her flush against him. "I can't believe we did that," he said softly. She grinned conspiratorially. "I know." "If we're in the digestive tract of some giant mushroom, and this is all just a hallucination... let's just stay there, Scully. I don't want to realize this was all just a dream." Sheesh, he was just a big, mushy marshmallow. *Her* marshmallow. She raised her head toward him and placed a tender kiss between his brows before assuring him, "It's not a dream, Mulder." He had a boyish grin on his face, one that eventually faded into a more serious expression. "You know I've loved you forever." One eyebrow raised in curiosity. "Since when?" "I'm not sure. I can't really recall a time when I didn't. It just seems like forever." Her heart melted into a little pool of mush. "Me too." A wide, goofy grin spread across his face. Suddenly, she realized her energy had returned. "Come on, Mulder. Let's go take a shower. We smell like sex." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *I spoke not a word, but went straight to my work, Slipped my present into her stocking, and destroyed the card from that jerk...* Mulder rose to scoop her up into his arms and he carried her into the bathroom, despite her giggling protests, where they showered together and spent long moments caressing and kissing and laughing. She had asked him to spend the night with her, and of course, he had eagerly said yes. Scully, being the ultra-organized woman that she was, naturally had a new spare toothbrush, still in the box. It gave him a great deal of proprietary satisfaction to place it in her ceramic toothbrush holder next to hers after he had brushed his teeth. Now, she was lying naked and squeaky clean in her bed, waiting for him to join her. He had wrapped a towel around his waist and gone into the living room to tamp down the fire, blow out the few candles still burning, and turn off the tree. He had one last thing to do before retiring for the night. He went to his coat and retrieved the small, tastefully wrapped box from his pocket. He turned it over in his fingers, still wondering if he had done the right thing by buying it for her. It was a pretty substantial gift. It carried a lot of meaning in such a tiny package. But after tonight, after they had both admitted they were in love with each other, and had had mind-blowing sex to physically express that love, he was reassured that the gift he had picked for her was the right one. He walked over to the mantle and slipped it into her stocking. Then his eyes snagged on that card. The one from Harding. For some reason, the little plastic snowman didn't bother him. It was cheap and cheesy. But that card did. It was just sitting there, taunting him. He couldn't just leave it here on the mantle after what had taken place tonight between Scully and himself. It was just wrong. His eyes dropped to the fireplace, a couple of logs still smoldering. She would probably kill him. But he had to have some rights here too. She was his. They were in love. It was going to last the rest of their lifetimes. She had no use for a card given to her by another man who wanted to date her. He picked the card up and opened it. *The offer stands, my ass.* He knew what he had to do. He would face the consequences later. So, he knelt down in front of the fireplace, pushed back the fire screen, and firmly wedged the card between two still-glowing logs. He got a grim satisfaction in watching the edges start to blacken and curl. *Guess your offer's not looking so good right now, huh asshole.* He returned to the bed with Scully, who was rapidly approaching sleep. He removed the towel and crawled in, pillowing her head on his arm as she snuggled up to him. She kissed his chest and wrapped her arm around his middle. "G'night, Mulder" she said drowsily. "Goodnight, Scully," he replied as he kissed the top of her head in return. It was only moments before they both were fast asleep. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *And laying a finger on the curve of her face, And giving her a searing kiss, I returned to Hegal Place...* December 25th "Merry Christmas, Scully." She opened one eye to seek out the source of the low rumble that had awakened her. She was abruptly wide-awake when she saw Mulder in her bed, his head lying next to hers facing her on her pillow. She blinked rapidly trying to focus and determine why he was in her bed. Then, suddenly, she remembered last night. They were in love. They had *made* love. Wow. A wave of shyness washed over her now as she stared at him. "Now don't go getting all shy on me," he admonished tenderly. "It's just me." Yeah. It's just him. The man she had long ago given her heart to. And last night she had given him her body and her soul too. The shyness faded to be replaced by familiarity and love. She scooted over to lay her head on his shoulder and snuggle up to his side. She raised her head to kiss his jaw as she said, "Merry Christmas, Mulder." His hand began to roam over her body, seeking a breast. "It will be, if you'll let me tell you good morning properly," he teased playfully. She squirmed against him. "Mulder, I have to get up and go to my mother's." His hand stilled. "Don't tell me. Roll call." "Roll call," she confirmed. Then it occurred to her he might be expecting to be invited now that they were officially a 'couple'. In all sincerity, she didn't really want to take him with her today. First of all, her brother Bill was going to be there, and he and Mulder got along like cats and dogs. Secondly, there would be all kinds of questions she wasn't ready to answer. She wanted to keep their new involvement to herself for a while. But she didn't want to be rude, and she honestly didn't think he would want to go anyway, so she asked, "Would you like to come to my mother's house with me, Mulder?" He studied her face seriously for a moment. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as he said softly, "Would you mind if I take a rain check?" She smiled in relief. "Of course not. Bill's going to be there, and I didn't get enough sleep last night to play referee today." He waggled his eyebrows with pride. She looked over at her bedside clock. Already seven a.m. "I really do need to get ready, Mulder. I'm already late." She sat up, tucking the sheet around her to hide her body from him, then realized she was going to have to mess up the entire bed if she was going to pull it off and take it with her. He grinned wolfishly at her because he knew she would have to leave the sheet behind since she was far too organized to screw up the bed. God, he had a one-track mind. She reminded herself that he had already seen her in all her naked glory many times last night. He'd even showered with her. He'd seen every square inch of her. So, she steeled her nerves and rose from the bed, a few abused muscles screaming in protest, feeling his eyes bore into her backside as she exited the room. She took a quick shower, dressed, brushed her teeth, ran a brush through her hair, and threw on some light makeup. Then she went into the kitchen to make coffee while Mulder had a turn in the bathroom. While he was in there, she took the opportunity to remove his gift from a bowl in the cabinet where she had hidden it, dropping it into his stocking. Then she lit the Christmas tree and returned to the kitchen to make oatmeal. By the time he came out, the coffee and oatmeal were ready. He entered the kitchen and she stopped in her tracks. She was more awake now than she had been earlier, and memories from the previous night came flooding back to her. They stood there gazing at each other, soft smiles on their faces as they shared a moment of mutual awareness. Finally, she closed the distance between them, wrapped her arms around his waist, and hugged him. He slid his hands around her back and held her as she soaked up his warmth and his familiar smell. When she lifted her head, he placed a finger under her chin to tip her face up to his more fully, then placed a tender kiss against her lips. She parted her lips to welcome him inside and his tongue gently stole into her mouth to tangle with hers. They stood there kissing for long moments, rekindling passions always bubbling just beneath the surface. His hands roamed downward to cup her rear as he coaxed with a low voice between kisses, "You're already late, Scully. How do you feel about squeezing in a quickie?" She could already feel his body stirring against her. Her own body was begging her to say yes. "Mmmmm, I can't," she whispered. "They're expecting me." He snaked his hands up under her shirt to caress the soft skin of her back, trying his best to change her mind. "So, call them," he suggested helpfully. It was nearly eight o'clock. She really did need to leave. She broke the kiss ruefully, running her thumb over his lips in apology. His hands stilled and he tried not to pout. "Sorry, Mulder, but I really do need to go." Then, as a consolation prize she offered, "Why don't you plan on coming over tonight?" His eyes lit up. "I'll do that," he promised as he released her. He helped her take the coffee and oatmeal to the table. She sat down and took a sip of her coffee. "Are we going to open our presents now?" he asked hopefully. "No, we have to wait until after breakfast. It's a rule," she said over the rim of her coffee cup. He nodded and sat down opposite her at the table and they ate their breakfast as she told him stories about previous Christmases at her mother's house. When breakfast was done, they cleaned up the kitchen together, then moved into the living room to exchange their presents. He sat down on the couch and she removed their stockings from their hangers and moved to the couch to sit beside him. She handed him his stocking and looked at him expectantly. "You want me to go first?" he asked, and she nodded in response. God, she hoped he liked what she had gotten for him. It was so hard to pick for him. Plus, she had gotten it back before they had become involved, so it wasn't a very personal one, but she suspected he'd like it anyway. He carefully reached inside the stocking and pulled out a small envelope. He put it up to his forehead in an imitation of Johnny Carson. "Basketball, baseball, and Scully." Then he lowered the envelope to pretend to read, "What are my three favorite things in the world." She arched a brow as she asked, "I come after basketball and baseball?" He shot her an 'oops' look before pretending to read the envelope again. "Sorry, I didn't finish reading it. It says 'What are my three favorite things in the world, in order from the least favorite to the most.'" He looked hopefully at her to see if she was buying it. She chose to let him off the hook. "That's more like it." He grinned. Then he lifted the flap of the envelope and drew out the two slips of printed cardstock that had been concealed inside. His smile faded as he read them. Her stomach gave a lurch. He doesn't like them. Great. His eyes rose to hers in astonishment. "You got me tickets to the Super Bowl?" "Yeah," she said hesitantly, the space between her eyebrows creased in concern. What had she been thinking? His favorite sports are basketball and baseball. But the NBA Championships and the World Series were so far away. And she had bought these tickets from someone at work who had discovered they couldn't go. Otherwise she would never have been able to get her hands on these tickets. A disbelieving smile crept over his face. Her heart began to lighten. "Oh, my God," he said in amazement. "You got me tickets to the Super Bowl." "Do you like them?" she asked hopefully. "Like them? Scully, it's the Super Bowl!" he explained as if she were an idiot. "I love them." Then he dragged his gaze from the tickets to look at her. "I love you," he said in the same tone of wonder. She grinned at him indulgently. "And I love you, Mulder." He cupped a hand around the back of her neck to pull her to him for a fast, excited kiss. "Thank you, Scully. You're going with me, right?" "Are you sure you don't want one of the Gunmen to go?" she asked, hoping he'd say no. "I can't ask just one of them to go. The other two would kick my ass. Besides, I want you to go. We can make a weekend out of it." Then he added with a leer, "Get only *one* hotel room." "Okay, okay, you've twisted my arm," she laughed. He very carefully inserted the tickets back into their envelope, then set them beside him on the couch. "Okay, Scully. Your turn," he said. Excitement raced through her as she dipped her hand inside the stocking. Mulder always gave her such ridiculous gifts, but that didn't mean she didn't appreciate the thought. She pulled out a small square package, suspiciously the size and weight of a jewelry box. When she realized where her hopes had suddenly drifted, she mentally shook the thought away. There was no way Mulder had bought her a piece of jewelry. She determinedly lowered her expectations waaayy low as she pulled off the bow and began to remove the wrapping paper. It could be a glow-in-the-dark bouncy ball. Or maybe he'd gotten really extravagant and bought her a piece of an asteroid that had fallen to Earth. Oh, joy. When she removed the paper to reveal what was obviously a black velvet jewelry box her heart gave a powerful heave. Her eyes darted to his and she noticed he was looking at her with hesitation, pinching his lower lip between his thumb and forefinger. *This had better not be a ring, Mulder. That would be jumping the gun a little.* She inhaled a deep breath as she gathered her courage, then cautiously lifted the lid. It was a pair of earrings. Blue sapphire teardrops with two diamonds on either side of the point of each. They were exquisite. They took her breath away. Tears filled her eyes as she looked up at him. "They reminded me of you," he spoke softly. *Oh, man. You are **so** gonna get lucky, Mulder.* She leaned over to gently place them on the coffee table. Then she straightened and rose up on one knee on the couch, swinging her other leg over his lap to straddle him. He dipped his head and said in a voice suddenly low and gravelly, "I take it this means you like them." She wrapped her arms around his neck and responded huskily, "I love them, Mulder. They're the most beautiful earrings I've ever seen." Then she brought her mouth to his to thank him in the best way she knew of. And it was two long, delirious hours later before she finally ushered Mulder out her front door. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *I sprang to my phone and gave her a call; I missed her, you see, she had taken my heart with her, after all...* He waited as long as he could before finally giving into the urge to call her. It was five o'clock. The Scully's had had enough of her today. It was his turn. "Scully," she answered. "Hey, Scully. It's me," he said in an intimate tone. "Hi," she replied in her own husky alto. He got straight to the point. "When are you coming home?" "I'm about to leave now," she responded, her smile coming through the airwaves to wrap around him like a caress. "Did you have a good time?" "Yeah. It was great. Everybody came - Bill and Charlie and their families." He paused for a moment, mentally shuddering as he pictured Scully's brothers finding out he had boffed their sister last night. And this morning. "I'm wearing the earrings," he heard her say quietly. He smiled. "Did you tell them who they were from?" "No. I'd like to keep this to ourselves for a while." "Yeah. Me too." There was a moment of silence as they both considered how precious and fragile their new relationship was. "I found the card in the fireplace," she casually mentioned. Ah oh. "Are you mad?" He held his breath throughout the silence that followed. "It was a very immature thing to do," she finally chided. "I know. I know. I just... I thought..." he sputtered, pressing his thumb and forefinger into his eye sockets in frustration. Finally he just sighed in resignation. "I don't know what I was thinking, Scully. I don't think I was thinking, actually," he confessed. And Scully, keeper of all that is compassionate and forgiving, chose to have mercy on him. "Just don't do that again, okay?" "Okay," he agreed in relief. Then he remembered something he'd been meaning to ask her. "Hey, Scully. Did you call me 'Sweetheart' last night?" Her voice was low as she answered, "Yes. I believe I did. Do you mind?" "No. I don't mind," he replied thoughtfully. "It's a helluva lot better than 'Poopyhead'." "I like 'Poopyhead'," she argued with a teasing tone. He just rolled his eyes. Sweetheart. Yeah, he could get used to Sweetheart. He heard Scully's mother's voice in the background. "Mulder, I've got to go." "Call me when you get home," he reminded her. "Okay," she agreed. "Bye..." He was about to tell her the same when he heard in an ultra-low tone, "... Poopyhead." He just grinned. He was one whipped puppy. And didn't mind a bit. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX *But I had to exclaim ere she disconnected and took flight, "Happy Christmas, Scully. I'll see you tonight."* XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The End "The Week Before Christmas" AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hah! Bet you thought he had gotten her a ring, right? Well, I'm not quite that sappy, and neither is Mulder. Sorry if you're disappointed. I will tell you, however, if you're interested, that he gets her one for Valentine's Day. And, of course, she says 'Yes'.